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I don't even know if it qualifies as Fanfic. So far, the only thing Fanfic about it is that it's a Saiyan. Nothing more.
I'm going to assume then that if he gets a potion that allows him to go through walls like Mirio, then it will be permanent.
If only the mother knew that the new "Friend" is actually someone who qualifies as a dancer in a women's nightclub...
Considering that Watamote is that anime in which its Hentais are so XD that they are probable... Well.
*Proceeds to use Redemption saying "Keep fighting."*
It's normal that they don't come true. There are passive and active abilities that don't activate unless under certain circumstances. Like Karthus or Sion.
Veigar's Passive Thresh's Passive Have Warmog as passive.
Normally, that happens. I mean, that happens with brain-dead characters in many novels, too.