


I'm human.

2017-11-19 Se unióGlobal

de lectura


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  • ROWT
    ROWT3 years ago
    respondió a SCRIPTSEEKER

    There's no plot at all, no char development, pure plot holes, so many cringed scenes spcially that part when he said "shall we dance?" forgot the exact words he said bec it gave me goosebumps all over my body. There are still many things to say but I'll stop here, all I can say is research first before dump those plot full of holes. Bye

  • ROWT
    ROWT4 years ago
    Comentado por

    Am I the only one who gotten bored with Vhan just fcking, teasing, etc. Every single chapter? The quality became low since chapter 600. Now, I'm stucked at chapter 1300's everytime I tried to continue all I read was about Vhan finding another hole to bed.

  • ROWT
    ROWT4 years ago
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    Then, Vhan raised his hand and said. "For KARMA".

  • ROWT
    ROWT4 years ago
    respondió a EternumLAWS


  • ROWT
    ROWT4 years ago
    respondió a EternalChaos

    The stats and levels are just #s so ignore it.

  • ROWT
    ROWT4 years ago
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    They have a high level member in their party? Why? And the three judt hugged like that? Are they close? There's no char building at all. Is the author new or what? Stats and level for now are just #'s, they don't mean anything anymore. A low level can kill a monster whose level tripled the mc, lol. The reason? Critical thinking and humanity? Lol! Just the speed of a high level can squash a low level then he just it easily, so for me levels and stats are just #'s for this novel, they're not a factor you need to keekp in check that's why I'm just skimming every chap. Hays, and here I thought the plot etc. Will get better the more the chaps but it keeps being a disappointment.

  • ROWT
    ROWT4 years ago
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    Hey hey Demon Energy at 20 ONLY? Demon flash cost 8 energy? But in the exam he spammed it like no tommorow LoL

  • ROWT
    ROWT4 years ago
    respondió a xDaoistChaos

    I'm curious why there's literally little bad reviews, when the novel is really so bad that's my IQ going down everytime I try to give it a chance. Just the part of Missing and Gank the author said they're having difficulty about those terms HHAHAAHAH If you havr even the tiniest common sense in you, missing is missing. And that's difficult? So much for saying they're genius in studying HHAHAHAAHAHA

  • ROWT
    ROWT4 years ago
    respondió a BL00DY

    I'm curious why there's literally little bad reviews, when the novel is really so bad that's my IQ going down everytime I try to give it a chance. Just the part of Missing and Gank the author said they're having difficulty about those terms HHAHAAHAH If you havr even the tiniest common sense in you, missing is missing. And that's difficult? So much for saying they're genius in studying HHAHAHAAHAHA

  • ROWT
    ROWT4 years ago
    respondió a Rileyshima

    I'm curious why there's literally little bad reviews, when the novel is really so bad that's my IQ going down everytime I try to give it a chance. Just the part of Missing and Gank the author said they're having difficulty about those terms HHAHAAHAH If you havr even the tiniest common sense in you, missing is missing. And that's difficult? So much for saying they're genius in studying HHAHAHAAHAHA