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Emperor Morris is finally at peace
Boyka and Commander moyo are great warriors👏👏💯💪
OMG!!!!!!! The princess is back
I'm happy they already got a lead to where the princess is being held, omg the suspense is too much🥹❤️ well done author
Feels really sorry for emperor Morris cos of his kidnapped daughter princess Asake. I honestly can't wait to have her back in the novel. Well done author 👏💪
Wow,This is so amazing I already forgot this is a novel looks real😱😮❤️
Niceeee , I love how they both strategize. They sure will conquer Abbadon , man is so wicked and brutal. Ride on writer, I enjoyed all the chapters so far 💪🔥🔥🔥🔥
Oh my, I love the friendship that exist between Boyka and Commander moyo.. Hope my princess is safe🥹🥹🥹
Abaddon has called for war and he's seeing the war already. Boyka is such a brave Mannn☺️🥰
Boyka is my hero here, Man is so smart, wise and fast💪💪. Anticipating the next chapters 🥵🔥🔥