I love nature. Like to read fantasy and romance books, more romance. I also love to write short poems too.
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huge pillow lol
I like how you always keep us eager to read more at the end of every chapter. well done👍
Wonder who it could be
Good chapter👍
Definitely giving this 5 stars!! Saw link to this novel on a social platform, synopsis was nice and I decided to only take a peek, but I got hooked from Chapter one and I had to open an account here, just to make sure I dropped a review. One thing that I love the most is how the story is told from the FL's perspective. It flows well and there's a bit of humor to keep me going. I don't want to say much about the story though, but if I could describe it in two words, I would say 'simply amazing'. Keeping my fingers crossed for the next chapter. Nice work, author!!
I want a picture of the cocktail dress
Can't wait to see what happens next!
Who tf is she???? Get off my Mr crane😡😡
Open an onlyfans account😂