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this seems out of place! this is a duplicate of another chapter and seems to skip a whole lot!!! are you going to load the chapter that was supposed to be here?
DO NOT LET THIS FALL DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE!!!!! I NEED to know what happens lol. Put a note at the end of the last chapter that's correct and say in bold DO NOT READ FURTHER... CHAPTERS ARE NOT LOADED .... or WRONG BOOK LOADED... STOP AT THIS CHAPTER lol. I understand, and totally get the stress. To save yourself some stress and angry readers just adding a disclaimer to the end of that chapter or to the first line of each chapter after that which can be read before unlocking the chapters would prob help with the stress of angry readers lol. I just Binged the book in less than 24 hrs so to get to that point and not be able to read on.... I almost died lol. This story is AMAZING and I freaking love it so much! please don't stop writing it!!!! people will love this story so much!!!!
ok this is getting annoying
you have go to be kidding me!!!! 5 chapters 3 duplicates and 2 from a dif story..... wtf
ok maybe pit a note that these chapters are not from this story and not just the chapter title of don't read.... it's a waste of fast pass and coins to buy the chapters.
lol what the heck is this chapter here for?
if this called don't read because it's a duplicate of another chapter lol?
hahaha he prob changed it the day he met her lol
lmao love it
yall I am bawling.... just sobbing over here swearing if I ever get married that I'm stealing part of these vows lol. I'm a wedding photographer so I legit hear vows for a living and this has me crying lol... good job author... this was beautiful!