


I'm an eternal being of celestial intent, I contain multitudes.

2024-08-24 Se unióGlobal



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  • The_Booker_Vessel
    The_Booker_Vessel9 days ago
    respondió a SoBored

    World collapses, warfare was now keyboards, and codes. Deadlock was a spy game that represented two things: Evaluation for the recruitment of potential hackers/keyboard heroes by corporations to fight their corporate wars. On the other hand, it served as an escape hatch for antisocial hermits like Ned to escape their boring lives. That's until an in-game crisis led to him being sucked into the game...

  • The_Booker_Vessel
    The_Booker_Vessel12 days ago
    respondió a Krozam_00

    That would be interesting indeed. I'd take note of that. Thanks for your suggestion.😊

  • The_Booker_Vessel
    The_Booker_Vessel12 days ago
    respondió a Krozam_00

    😂I saw this coming... well, it's just in support of the title and the three rivals. That said, it's equally as weird as it is eye-grabbing for a cover. Thanks for the comment, and please feel free to share your thoughts on such a character...(with three heads)... I'm all ears😆

  • The_Booker_Vessel
    The_Booker_Vessel12 days ago
    respondió a Neonblast

    Thanks a lot for your support.

  • The_Booker_Vessel
    The_Booker_Vessela month ago
    Publicado por

    Listen up, you beautiful heathens... shameless author here :) Writing a review on your own book is not easy, but I have to make some things clear. So, you've stumbled into this little corner of literary hell, where we're giving old lucifer a little makeover. Now, I know what you're thinking: "But Satan's supposed to be prideful! He's the OG bad boy! He probably eats kittens for breakfast and uses orphan tears as mouthwash!" And yeah, traditionally, you'd be right. But here's the kicker – we're not here to play by the rules. We're here to break 'em, set 'em on fire even... This book isn't about erasing the Devil you know. It's about adding some spicy new dimensions to that red-hot personality. Think of it as Satan's midlife crisis and his discovery of the therapeutic benefits of being human despite the powerlessness... including the juicy lemons off course. And for those of you clutching your pearls, please take a deep breath. We're not trying to make Lucifer a saint – that'd be like trying to teach a fish to climb a wall. We're just exploring the idea that even the baddest of the bad might have moments of doubt, vulnerability, or *gasp* actual feelings. So, if you're ready to see the Devil in a whole new light (fictional off course) – sometimes dim, sometimes flickering, but always fascinating – then stick around as long as possible. Now, who's ready to give the Devil his due... and maybe a hug while we're at it? Not the real one, though. Happy reading, and feel free to criticize. I'm always open for suggestions.

  • The_Booker_Vessel
    The_Booker_Vessela month ago
    respondió a Dozer_2600

    First off, thanks for the comment. I really appreciate :) So yeah, you've got a point there, my friend. But then, even the most badass of baddies can have their "curl up in a ball and cry" moments. Here's why: good old fiction. Fiction's like that kinky friend who's always pushing boundaries, yeah? It takes the shit we think we know and flips it on its ass. So yeah, Luci's got a rep for being prideful, but who's to say he doesn't have days where he's scrolling through angel instagram, drowning in hellfire whiskey, and questioning his life choices? Look, I get it. The Devil, as we know him, is supposed to be this master manipulator, lying his ass off and probably able to beat any poker player with his eyes closed. But that's exactly why it's so damn delicious to peel back those layers and see what's underneath all that brimstone feistiness. Here's the deal: if we can't use our imagination to explore new angles on old stories, what's the fucking point of fiction? It's like ordering the same bland-ass meal every day when there's a whole menu of wild flavors waiting to be tasted. So yeah, your comment's spot on about the traditional view. But if you're willing to hop aboard this crazy train of "what if," we might just discover that even the Prince of Darkness sometimes needs a hug and a pep talk. After all, running Hell can't be all fun and games, right? Lastly, as a fan of the anime series "The Devil is a part-timer," I sure as hell wanna see where this rabbit hole of a softer Satan leads us... obviously, I'm tired of the norms as it is... wouldn't hurt fantasizing over old creation stories and whatnot, eh...? Thanks again,😊 The_Booker_Vessel

I, the devil, forced to start with just three beauties!

[WARNING : MATURE CONTENT R-18] * Would the waifus in the Devil's own Harem be considered advocates of evil? * Would the Devil's lemons be considered forbidden fruits? If YES, then tuck tight and be ready to be led astray! ******************** ["DID YOU HEAR?"..."THEY SAY THE DEVIL WALKS AMONG US NOW.""] [..."WHATEVER. PROBABLY JUST SOME COSPLAYER TRYING TO GET LAID.""] IF THEY ONLY KNEW, THE FORMER LORD OF HELL, CURRENT JOBLESS BUM, HAD TRADED HIS THRONE of BONES for a CRAMPED APARTMENT and STUDENT LOAN DEBT. WELL... TECHNICALLY, HE HAD NOT...... BUT AFTER WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM, HE SURE AS HELL WISHED HE HAD. HERE'S THE DEAL... ********************* Lucifer, the Morningstar, faces a career crisis of biblical proportions. After Hell undergoes a corporate makeover, the underworld board of directors boots out their slacker CEO for being dead weight in their new profit-driven hellish paradise. Talk about a fall from grace! "Learn some responsibility!" they'd shouted as they slammed Hell's gates in Lucy's face. "Maybe try working for once, loser!" Cast out and clueless, Lucifer crash-lands on Earth with nothing but his devilish good looks and a résumé woefully short on non-evil skills. Determined to prove his worth, he vows to show them he could become the ultimate success story - starting from the bottom of the corporate ladder. After all, who needs hell and its bylaws? ********************* [CAUTION : Made by a degenerate] No ntr No Yuri He might turnout to be a woman snatcher! (Don't think too highly of the devil.) DISCLAIMER : Cover isn't mine

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