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Hearts are delicious
So if you cook tougher meat like moose or bear or just want nice juicy chicken or beef I always do it in a slow cooker with potatoes onion and whatever kind of sauce I’m feeling that day. Easy to cook and way better than any restaurant meal
Cooking with onions will also make it ever more tender, the enzymes do something or other lol can’t remember what but it makes everything better
It has egg it’s not vegetarian ?
Actually the smell is not as bad as the visual impact but you get used to both after a while
Bros thinking too much, nobody cares about that lol I’d rather they laugh than look miserable
Review based on free chapters Although the novel starts off seemingly way after the mc has transmigrated it follows a nice pace so far, minimal mistakes and has a light comedy to it to put a smile on your face. Wouldn’t say it’s the best in the world but with a novel like this you can read on your spare time and relax while waiting for other novels to update or if you got nothing to do at work lol Definitely worth the read I find as I do enjoy these types occasionally.
It would be funny if it was that guy
He also got approved for a handgun so he could probably find a way to get a hunting license