My name is Gift Chanel and I love writing and reading books.
2024-06-10 Se unióNigeria
de lectura
Leer libros
Gift_Candy_2415a month ago
respondió a MzStudz
I'll be updating soon. I haven't been able to update before now because my first dog passed away from parvo virus last two months, and I wasn't able to recover from the grief before my second dog was diagnosed with the same virus. The pain was just too much so I decided to take a break. I hope y'all will bear with me.
I’ll be updating soon. I haven’t been able to update before now because my first dog passed away from parvovirus last two months, and I wasn't able to recover from the grief before my second dog was diagnosed with the same virus. The pain was too much so I decided to take a break. I hope y'all will bear with me.