


Aspirign writer of fantasy,interest in trying out web-novel.

2024-06-02 Se unióGlobal



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  • Atohn
    Atohn3 months ago
    respondió a Kei_Hofer

    Hey there, author here, I really appreciate the feedback, thank you. Sorry for the late reply but here are a few important things I have yet to discuss on this page. First, to answer your question, I do not have social media linked directly to my penname. I planned on that after I’ve seen heavy growth in this journey. And lastly, and I do apologize for this really, but after volume 1, I will be taking a break to focus on some personal things. I intend to continue Twice Born in the future for sure. Once again, thanks for the feedback!

  • Atohn
    Atohn3 months ago
    Publicado por

    IMPORTANT INFORMATION (Author here) If something important is going to be changed, I will post a comment about it. As of now, this story isn't at large so these should be easy to spot. Other than the title of this novel, I have only made a few changes. I felt as if this was a more fitting title. ---- The new title for the novel is 'TWICE BORN'

  • Atohn
    Atohn3 months ago
    Publicado por

    Author here once again… I wanted to finalize any characteristic details before putting out too many chapters and so I did… Minor ones. -Reed’s hair is now a decently bright auburn rather than a greyish hue -Those who live in the edges of Vastilence such as Ashlet, amongst other ones yet heard of, have a common yet different shades fo auburn/ginger hair. Something to represent a world trait.

  • Atohn
    Atohn4 months ago
    Publicado por

    Author here, I just wanted to say one thing really quick and that is to be patient with this one. Thanks.