

2024-02-26 Se unióGlobal

de lectura


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  • sneakypanda
    sneakypanda4 months ago
    respondió a md_rizvi

    tf are you saying schizo??? hes the best author on this platform by mileage

  • sneakypanda
    sneakypanda4 months ago
    respondió a collinscavan72

    why rate low then

  • sneakypanda
    sneakypanda4 months ago
    respondió a Warmaisach

    Hey if u start a patreon or a place to donate seperate from the app that would be sick

  • sneakypanda
    sneakypanda4 months ago
    respondió a Boin

    withholding character development? lol what people will just make shit up nowadays to justify low reading comprehension

  • sneakypanda
    sneakypanda4 months ago
    respondió a md_rizvi

    like a realistic person in that situation would act????????? i mean come on? u wanna read about some cold hearted genius who just rationalises everything, get a grip and start appreciating character traits

  • sneakypanda
    sneakypanda4 months ago
    respondió a Absoluto

    LMAO when a character doesnt act like ayanokoji u drop it. Muppet, go read some braindead isekai level up and play on with ur power trip fantasies by the epic brown shaggy haired MC who gets all the girls and becomes no.1 adventurer.

  • sneakypanda
    sneakypanda4 months ago
    Publicado por

    Best novel I have ever read together with sword god and the author is a genius, anyone dissing warmaisach can get it. If warmaisach has 100 fans, I am one of them, if warmaisach has 1 fan, I am him, if warmaisach has zero fans - I am dead. Please continue to write and keep up the absolutely insane pieces of unique fiction you produce. Lots of people want to read some mundane isekai standard stuff and get pissed when a character acts realistically and has interesting personality traits, I genuinely cannot believe the amount of degenerates dissing the way nick acts - infuriating and they can go back to reading Leveling up to Lvl100 in a Dungeon or whatever nonsense. It saddens me that such peak fiction isnt acknowledged enough and given the props it deserves. BEST NOVEL OUT RIGHT NOW AND ARGUABLY WEBNOVEL IN GENERAL

  • sneakypanda
    sneakypanda7 months ago
    respondió a JPNovelFan

    hes read already till chapter 80 u numbnut stone brain

  • sneakypanda
    sneakypanda7 months ago
    respondió a ThyReaderr

    sword god in a world of magic