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Not really likeing this the mc taking out villains before they can rise which will make the story far less interesting long term its also way to effortless youd think an ancient warlord and criminal mastermind would be smart enuf to go underground and get off the grid when someones targiting u thru the internet and u cant even trace it and believeing the first name he hears? Unlikely hopefully we get a timeskip soon so the mc doesnt keep killing off all the chatacters that make marvel interesting than agian maybe neither of them will actually die tho considering reed i doubt it
Didnt take the mc for a coward killing an inoccent man because he has the potential to one day target him also he doesnt even know if hell actually go that rought and its years off he could easily steer him away from that path if he was even on that path on the first place aince hes already killed a potential hero over his fear for his life why doesnt he kill doom magneto or other villains aswell? Honestly sounds boring if he does that also wondering why this doesnt have a villain tag considering he murdered an innocent man
Seems the mc is one of those annoying greater good types doing evil things for the greater good
Dont think not having parent during formative years would affect an adult in a childs body
Seems the mc is an idiot if he didnt decide to start training offensive and defensive magic after the asassination and only decided to after knowing hes gonna get attacked he also only used his ability to see the future on a whim instead of actively looking for potential attacks on himself instead he spends his time making random magical items as if there isnt a war going on with himelf being a prime target due to his name and talent
The mc stopped being the mc so i dont see the point in still reading
Hope thats the extant of school life being shown it would be one thing if was a magical school but reading about the mcs time in a muggle school would be boring af
So the void that was said to take notice of the mc wasnt oblivion but sentrys void? Good for the mc oblivion is top tier by cosmic entities standards and isnt someone the mc can take on is the auther aware that all cosmic entities have a mutiversal form and the ones we usually see are juat avatars of them? Hank pym can grow so large that he goes to the realm that thier multiveral forms are at
Oblivion could make the mc his bitch and theres nothing he could do about it he shouldnt be introduced for a while
If he is legit than wouldnt he be older than the mc therefore being being hier to the iron throne