Read quite a few novels on here, few are good, most are bad but 1 thing Ive realised is the lack of likeable MCs, even among the good novels
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I wouldnt give them nothing, they’d be lucky if I didnt sabotage them with misinformation tbh if I was Ren
Congrats on reaching 350 Cook
Sheesh, gonna be interesting to see how the story progresses if it takes longer to reach silver/gold and how Ren will be caught up in it all
So true, whilst others dislike MCs for hiding their powers, it makes actual sense to do so. This behaviour seems as if he died at 16 in his previous life and came back at 11 yrs old. No ones saying be a coward but do things methodically, revealing your name this early on when anyone can go into ur sisters ward and kick her in the stomach to 1 shot her or burn ur apartment makes 0 sense
I thought he’d want to move to the city with the most highest ranked gates but maybe theyre controlled by groups anyway and once he goes to an academy it wont even matter whats in his city
Its also good we values his newer friends like Danieli and Elysande too and not just that couple from school whose names i forgot. And trying to forgive her father for her sake is an adult move
Congrats on 700 👏🏾 🎊
For most* people in the hospital i dont even see the danger, if you have an hour to get far away u can walk 3 miles away or drive tens of miles. Ofc bedridden people are a different case
I dnt understand or appreciate how every mc becomes ‘f*** all human life other than mine’ for no real reason. Like you dont have to be a hero but being a psychopath who doesnt mind if others are slaughtered in your presence because its none of your business is not very human like. Barely minimal decency 90% of the time switched out for edge lords who wish to rise above all others and ‘have everyone beneath their feet’ gives off very chinese mc/ school sh**ter vibes. Lets see how this mc develops…
I live in a scrapyard and you want me to serve this country? Lol hell nah