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I am soo confused, what happened to oh its classified, sorry and the sudden change from code names like Hawk, and the others???
I have to agree wholeheartedly, though I don't mind Xianxia it does reduce brain cells, and it's hard to read sometimes since the grammar is horrifying most of the time.
I was only able to access this chapter because its shown as recently uploaded even though its hidden for some reason along with all 33 other chapters
Author you do realize that we can't access the remaining 34 chapters right? its not apart of the list, it only goes up to 1,264 chapters, fix it please
To lazy to edit, the slow development is on purpose apparently
Noted: Didn't see review before posting mine my bad but still the r18 scenes are great but I am tired of the anal ones bring the actual type.
preview review got deleted and I am too lazy to retype it in full but to sum it up: the author keeps mentioning Daimon could do actual sex and not anal with Aisha like he said he would but no they keep doing anal. Just so you know: 100% of the book so far that I have read (around 490 chapters) has only around 15-20% character development the rest is focused on the development of this harem or sex (not real sex)
Please read my review, I really want to know why you keep nerfing John! Its infuriating.
I like the story but, the author is doing stupid shit I mean why do you keep downgrading his power? I saw during the part where he was training to get Tracy out of the control of Elsa, he reached level 993 before getting caught then you dropped him to 773, then at the current chapter I am at, you dropped him from 8th tier to 7th tier again I don't understand it. (chapter 240)
I really like your story, I am not much of a review person so I will keep this short. I hope you continue this story! I would donate if I could but I am poor :( I always hoped you would reach over 1k chapters I have been reading since you were at I think either 560 or 600 chapters.