I am aware of my quality of writing is not exactly the perfect works I write because I like to read stories and I have many ideas in my head but putting them into written format or explaining them is rather difficult for me but I like doing it. For those who wish to support me and have access to chapters first they may support me on patreon. patreon.com/LuciferDark324
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no living thing is supposed to absorb it if both MC and the Doctor do both would have to regenerate, the amount does not matter it's the energy itself, and the MC is not like the Doctor, and does not know what saving 9th will do so to him it's not worth the risk. hope this explains
MC can regenerate 12 times but this limit can be broken later.
I am actually scared who knew destiny could be so vindictive, not to self never get on her bad side.
that is only the case if the Mechanic is not part of that future, but a lot of things will change just because he exists. the term fixed means cannot be changed in the context of the story meaning that no one can change it. that's why it's called a fixed point something that will always happen just as the Doctor will always go to Trenzalore, the only difference this time is he may not be alone there this time. now you have to remember that with the Mechanic alive some major events that happen will change a little, this could include the day of the doctor or other important things. you also have to remember that it was the moment that saved the mechanic, now think why would it do that. and fixed points in the doctor who show work on the fact it's already happening for the mechanic who knows the story it all already has. that is one of the reasons he has changed so little, he is not aware of what his existence truly means to what most call cannon. I hope this helps explain a few things.
yea but Do you think the time lord council would want someone who can manipulate machines to be able to get knowledge by touch, so MC was never taught how to do it but it will come up in future so no need to worry
once he gets his own TARDIS, he will be able to appear at any point in the Doctors Time line, so time skips are really not needed. i have yet to decide what adventures of the doctor that ,MC will appear but i know I want him there for the River Song stuff, just because it will be interesting to see.
I see, thanks for pointing that out, as I said early I have not read any of the extra stuff, so this information is helpful. and from a prospective the fruit, would be a seed, but I suppose that a TARDIS would not have them on board, if it come from a tree so i really appreciate it, although i will have to keep the seed stuff the same for story purposes. feel free to inform me of any extra information it helps me flesh out this story with more than knowledge of the shows. I want to get as close as I can to the actual world of Doctor who only changes certain things that i have to when i have no other choice. so i have no issue with people sending me information that may be important to the world. i love Doctor who, i really want to do it justice, and i know my writing skill has much to be desired, but I am trying to make it better as much as I can. anyway I should get to writing the next chapter, thanks for the comment.
that's actually a good idea, will take it into consideration. thanks for the suggestion
in a sense she is, however the eye of harmony will need a black hole to function Since making an artificial one is not possible for him,he will have to find a black hole himself and make a Device that can trap it into an eye of harmony.
the reason some of his skills are still level 1 is because he has not used them enough to level them up.