


I won't put some kind of profound sentence here. If you enjoy what I write and want to see more, well, you know where to go. https://eternalyujin.carrd.co

2023-08-28 Se unióUnited Kingdom



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  • EternalYujin
    EternalYujin7 days ago
    respondió a Gratiz_

    Let me cook! But yeah, I hear you. It'll be something I'll amend moving forward...

  • EternalYujin
    EternalYujin10 days ago
    respondió a JRCaste


  • EternalYujin
    EternalYujin12 days ago
    respondió a Dieudonner_17

    It's slow-paced, but I'm releasing things regularly so, no worries there.

  • EternalYujin
    EternalYujin15 days ago
    Publicado por

    No, I'm not so egoistic as to believe that my story is perfect across the board, but I need reviews, goddamnit! 😭 I've had to delete and reupload this fic because Webnovel's algorithm buggered me without mercy. After talking things through with a friend of mine, I figured out that I need to update it as frequently as possible in the next two weeks to bump up engagement. It's almost been a week now and while we've definitely grown, I'm worried I'll get buried under the sea of ever-growing stories. On that end, I'd to implore you guys to help out, yeah? Shoot a review down here, recommend this story to your friends, and perhaps spare a power stone or two. Thank you very much! ^^

  • EternalYujin
    EternalYujin15 days ago
    respondió a Yuuki123

    Thank you! ^^

  • EternalYujin
    EternalYujina month ago
    respondió a Duke100god

    There'll be romance, but it'll have its place in the story instead of being randomly brought up—it will happen, don't you worry.

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  • EternalYujin
    EternalYujina month ago
    respondió a Aronas

    Chapter 24.

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  • EternalYujin
    EternalYujin5 months ago
    respondió a Tanmay_Malik

    Same username as here

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  • EternalYujin
    EternalYujin9 months ago
    respondió a EmmericH

    Thank you very much and I will do my best to make your read an enjoyable one.

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  • EternalYujin
    EternalYujin9 months ago
    respondió a Zerou

    While it seems useless in the short-term, I think it does help the worldbuilding and fleshes out the characters. That being said, as of Chapter 10, this first arc is finished and the story is beginning to pick up.

    Este libro ha sido eliminado.

The Cycle of Hatred: A Naruto Insert

[A Naruto Self-Insert as Naruto Uzumaki] They say you should dig two graves if you want to go looking for revenge... so, it's a good thing I've already died once because the delusional one-eyed fuck that railroaded my life is going six feet under, one way or another. You see, this is what happens when an ordinary guy is reborn as a not-so-ordinary child and is forced to shoulder the world’s burden for his survival. Luckily for me, saving the world and revenge are just two sides of the same fucked up coin. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT TO EXPECT: - Meaningful growth that feels realistic, fleshed out, and above all: contributes to the narrative. There'll be no gaining strength just for the cool factor even if the strength Naruto gains can be cool. - A slow-paced story—it's just a quirk of my writing. I enjoy fleshing out characters, exploring their minds, and attaching them to readers, so that when it comes to the conflict and consequences, I can deliver the maximum emotional effect. But I understand it can be frustrating sometimes. I've been told my story is one better binge-read in the earlier stages. - Slight tweaking of the power system & world. Full disclosure: some of my changes to the world are inspired by or are either directly taken from "Naruto: The Outsider's Resolve" by FictionOnlyReader. The reason is that it's something that's come up in our discussions regarding worldbuilding in the first place. Not ALL changes, but a fair few. I'll try and keep the spirit of canon in mind as well. We are friends, I'm not a thief... at least, not a mean-spirited one anyway. - I'm ignoring things from Boruto because I want to separate this story as much as possible from the world-eating, planet-hopping, fuckwits that are the Otsutsuki. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCORD SERVER: https://discord.gg/jzkdR72jTR -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PATREON: My Patreon is a bit weird: I’ve got 50 chapters worth of words written. You can reach it here: https://www.patreon.com/eternalyujin -------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE SCHEDULE: I’ll be updating 5 times a week come the 23/09/24. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: Barring my OCs (Original Characters), I do not own any of the characters in this story nor do I own the rights to the ‘Naruto’ franchise. I am but a lowly fan, expressing his love for the stories that he grew up with.

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