

2023-08-28 Se unióGlobal

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  • Ice_Frosty
    respondió a God_Doom

    They are almost as dead as your writing skills

    DC: I am Bruce Wayne
    Cómic · God_Doom
  • Ice_Frosty
    respondió a Marveller

    No we want imaged now

    Marvel: I Need A New Body
    Cómic · Marveller
  • Ice_Frosty
    Comentado por


    "Oh come on, you lovable English bastard, you suck the fun out of everything in my life. It's only because of you that I realized my wife is not the ultimate evil, you are." Wilson grunted and huffed like an annoyed teenager.
    DC: I am Bruce Wayne
    Cómic · God_Doom
  • Ice_Frosty
    Comentado por
    "That's good. Maybe I could train him as a military dog for you. I know most of the methods that the current various military organizations use to train expert combat dogs. Also, I always wanted to train a dog to bite someone's balls off, maybe he could finally fulfill that long-standing dream of mine." Slade said with a dreamy expression on his face like he was imagining the puppy trying to chew on a pair of balls.
    DC: I am Bruce Wayne
    Cómic · God_Doom
  • Ice_Frosty
    Comentado por

    he's a bat-mutt I know bad joke

    Ace as was his name was a high-pedigree puppy of the German Shepherd breed also known as an Alsatian. What I had deduced from its blood, whoever had bred him had done so in an effort to make him some form of combat dog instead of a normal working dog or just a fancy pet. According to the vet's expert opinion, one of his parents was probably an East European Shepherd which was mostly a Russian military version of the German Shepherd breed. So Ace was definitely not some run-of-the-mill mutt.
    DC: I am Bruce Wayne
    Cómic · God_Doom
  • Ice_Frosty
    Comentado por
    "My money is on accident. There is no way someone can be born that annoying. Plus I heard from Alfred that he used to serve in the US military and I am sure that the government isn't retarded enough to hand over deadly weapons to just anyone right?" Selina answered with a snort.
    DC: I am Bruce Wayne
    Cómic · God_Doom
  • Ice_Frosty
    respondió a God_Doom

    So banging superman's cousin?

    So, a school trip was a welcome fresh change from his perspective. And imagine his surprise when one of the options for the school trip was Smallville. After seeing the name of that town, Bruce remembered that an all-powerful Kryptonian kid should be living there right now with his adoptive parents. Thus, Bruce being the rich asshole he was, had Alfred pull some strings and made Smallville the destination for their school trip that year.
    DC: I am Bruce Wayne
    Cómic · God_Doom
  • Ice_Frosty
    Comentado por
    - Eminem
    DC: I am Bruce Wayne
    Cómic · God_Doom
  • Ice_Frosty
    Comentado por
    "Money doesn't buy happiness, it buys crazy-ass happiness."
    DC: I am Bruce Wayne
    Cómic · God_Doom
  • Ice_Frosty
    respondió a Blightingale
    "Yes. In this combination for the kid, it could mean either of two things. One, he is an avatar of death herself, spreading death to all those who deserve it, or two..., he is meant to be already dead." The person said as he turned around to face Zatara.
    DC: I am Bruce Wayne
    Cómic · God_Doom
  • Ice_Frosty
    Comentado por
    "By the way, they told me about your inventions. Is it true that you gave birth to Cortana?" Helena asked with stars in her eyes.
    DC: I am Bruce Wayne
    Cómic · God_Doom
  • Ice_Frosty
    Comentado por

    Ain't no way u finished monopoly in an hour

    "Hey, where were you? You were gone for like an hour. We thought that you ditched us. We even played an entire game of Monopoly in that time." Vicki puffed up her cheeks and complained.
    DC: I am Bruce Wayne
    Cómic · God_Doom
  • Ice_Frosty
    Comentado por

    That's such a batman thing to do

    Bruce had already started keeping a mental journal of sorts where he recorded the personalities, goals, ambitions, strengths, and weaknesses of all the 'important' people he came across in his life. He was sure that this would help him immensely in the future. He could write them up too but he didn't want to risk someone seeing that data or stealing it from him somehow.
    DC: I am Bruce Wayne
    Cómic · God_Doom
  • Ice_Frosty
    Comentado por

    the 1st season was fire

    DC: I am Bruce Wayne
    Cómic · God_Doom
  • Ice_Frosty
    Comentado por

    If I were him I would use my high tech stuff to collect dirt on them.

    He had even thought he could merge Wayne Solutions with Wayne Enterprises later down the line when he becomes an adult. He was sure that the moment he turned eighteen would be the end of most of the members of the board of directors in his company. He was going to make sure that he not only took back control of Wayne Enterprises but also ruin the lives of everyone who opposed him.
    DC: I am Bruce Wayne
    Cómic · God_Doom
  • Ice_Frosty
    Comentado por

    Gotta protect the future wife

    Only he knew what he meant. Only he knew that before Helena left, he had given her a little farewell gift. He had given her his favorite and greatest creation till now, a bat-tool.
    DC: I am Bruce Wayne
    Cómic · God_Doom
  • Ice_Frosty
    Comentado por

    Isn't that Hikaru Nakamura's chess team

    "Goodbye, my dear Gotham Knights. Until we meet again." Helena said with a smile as she with a heavy but hopeful heart went into the airport with her uncle, slowly disappearing into the crowd.
    DC: I am Bruce Wayne
    Cómic · God_Doom
  • Ice_Frosty
    Comentado por

    About that

    "Whoever it was, It wasn't a mummy Harvey. This is not a horror film. Mummies do not exist in real life just like aliens or ghosts or demons or any other made-up stuff you see in movies. We cannot just conclude the case by saying that the crime was done by mummies." I felt a headache coming my way.
    DC: I am Bruce Wayne
    Cómic · God_Doom
  • Ice_Frosty
    respondió a God_Doom

    Tuxedo ?

    DC: I am Bruce Wayne
    Cómic · God_Doom
  • Ice_Frosty
    Comentado por

    we all saw that coming

    The bodies of two children were lying on the floor with blood flowing from their corpses, dying the entire carpet red.
    DC: I am Bruce Wayne
    Cómic · God_Doom