

2023-07-28 Se unióGlobal

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  • Floor_Lava
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    forgot the "not" between "should" and "be".

    As everyone knows, when you bite into a cooked chicken foot, there should be blood inside.
    Rebirth of a Village Girl
    Integral · Bong Five
  • Floor_Lava
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    once for yes (positive), twice for no (negative), and thrice for a longing heart. superstitions of sneeze

    Wen Xin, who had already boarded the plane, felt her nose itch. She rubbed her nose and sneezed three times in a row.
    A Big Shot’s Woman Is Wild and Fierce
    Ciudad · Lime Flavored Tuantuan
  • Floor_Lava
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    feather duster? lol tickle. big mamas always have a feather duster ready to straighten out their wayward descendants. it's not like the small things westerners might imagine, it's a slightly thick and long stick with feathers and fluff all up and down it. size about the length of a baseball bat. beware the tickle! lol

    Seeing that Mu Chengxi was not anxious, the old lady became even more anxious. She picked up the tickle from the bedside table and poked Mu Chengxi's shoulder forcefully.
    A Big Shot’s Woman Is Wild and Fierce
    Ciudad · Lime Flavored Tuantuan
  • Floor_Lava
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    allergy to mango is real, it it's a sensitivity that relates to the immune system. usually people who are allergic to mangoes are also allergic to certain nuts like pistachio. I've heard it called an oral allergy? which probably means it manifests when the fruit is eaten. it has something to do with the fibers in mango, which cause an hyper-immune response that can include anaphylaxis (closing up of the throat and inability to breathe). I think it's used as a sort of "princess and the pea" type of characteristic in these Chinese stories, and it will probably be referenced a few times to prove some important things in the plot later on.

    "I like to eat durian thousand-layer. If you can't accept the taste, then buy strawberry. I'm allergic to mangoes!"
    A Big Shot’s Woman Is Wild and Fierce
    Ciudad · Lime Flavored Tuantuan
  • Floor_Lava
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    lost in translation.. it either needs an aside note or to be edited for context

    "I... What the hell..." Liang Luoyu couldn't hold back anymore. He never expected such slang to come out of Mu Chengxi's mouth. Is this something a person should say?
    A Big Shot’s Woman Is Wild and Fierce
    Ciudad · Lime Flavored Tuantuan
  • Floor_Lava
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    lol family discipline tool. in my house depending on the severity of the crime it was la chancla or shaozi xiansheng. they each had their own special greeting 😭

    Old Master Mo picked up a family discipline tool, and severely spanked Mo Baichuan's back, "This is for your lack of respect!"
    Rebirth of a Village Girl
    Integral · Bong Five
  • Floor_Lava
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    you have been pwnd. all your eggs are belong to big bad daddy.

    The corners of his mouth slightly tugged upward, "You can only have a child with me. If there's another man, I'd kill him."
    Reborn in the Seventies: Pampered Wife, Owning some Farmland
    Ciudad · Purple Fantasy Enchantment
  • Floor_Lava
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    yeah she seemed to have purposely lost the child? so maybe not an abortion performed by medical professionals in a hospital, but maybe like oops i fell down the stairs after drinking willow bark tea for breakfast lunch and dinner.. i dunno. i got the feeling from the other chapter that she caused "spontaneous abortion" aka miscarriage, on purpose

    In the previous life, she didn't like children at first, but as age caught up, she began to find others' children adorable and couldn't help wanting to take them home. However, after suffering a miscarriage, she lost her qualifications to be a mother.
    Reborn in the Seventies: Pampered Wife, Owning some Farmland
    Ciudad · Purple Fantasy Enchantment
  • Floor_Lava
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    yeah anything slightly darker than pure Jade white is called black in many translations. I guess the Chinese world is black and white

    It wasn't that Yun Hao was unattractive. Yun Hao was the handsomest among the children of the family. Because he was a soldier, he had developed a muscular build, making him look quite sturdy. Furthermore, compared with Meng Yunhan's fair and smooth skin, one was white, the other black.
    Reborn in the Seventies: Pampered Wife, Owning some Farmland
    Ciudad · Purple Fantasy Enchantment
  • Floor_Lava
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    shorties. 5'9" is short 😛

    Yun Hao was the tallest in the family, standing over 1.8 meters, while Meng Yunhan barely passed 1.6. One was sturdy, the other petite. Where could they see the golden boy and jade girl?
    Reborn in the Seventies: Pampered Wife, Owning some Farmland
    Ciudad · Purple Fantasy Enchantment
  • Floor_Lava
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    ah they switched the glass paper out lol. I wonder how cellophane got so popular, it's stinky and pollutes the air, the earth and our own bodies. sure, wrap your food in plastic, don't worry about it being in our blood and bones lol. babies are being born with their placenta clogged with plastic, but hey, it's plastic! so convenient.

    She checked the results from the previous day and was quite satisfied with the outcome, then carefully unwrapped the hawthorn cakes, cut them neatly with a knife, weighed them accurately, wrapped them tidily in cellophane, and packed them into a large basket before setting out.
    Sweet Nostalgia of the 80s
    Ciudad · Leaf Whispering Serenely
  • Floor_Lava
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    glass paper is a real thing, nowadays it's called glassine paper and it's used for crafts, covering artwork that requires more time to finish, and wrapping stuff up. you can get it at common shopping places like Target in the US or Amazon. it is super resistant to moisture and anything wrapped in it doesn't get stale, scratched or discolored. it's not usually used with food anymore (thanks to parchment paper and cellophane) but it is food safe and biodegradable. mostly artists who work with paints or pastels will use glassine paper to protect their work as it's getting made or shipped to buyers. homegirl is gonna package her sweets in it. flexible, protective, and pretty.

    An Hao held the five yuan in her hand and went to the village supply and marketing co-op to weigh three pounds of rock sugar, with pre-packaged bags costing six jiao each and bulk rock sugar four jiao per pound. She chose three pounds of the bulk rock sugar and two large sheets of glass paper to make hawthorn cakes, which she would then wrap in the glass paper to sell.
    Sweet Nostalgia of the 80s
    Ciudad · Leaf Whispering Serenely
  • Floor_Lava
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    oy, vey! all this exaggerated stupidity. i congratulate the author for having the ability to make the eyes of someone they've never met roll back so far i could see the wrinkles on my brain. sheesh!

    Ch 359 113: Find Sun Shiwu, an eye for an eye, take it all as listed! _2
    Rebirth of a Village Girl
    Integral · Bong Five
  • Floor_Lava
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    they are probably all reincarnated transmigrated people just laying low. secretly and unknowingly becoming the Chinese Avengers

    Maybe out of admiration.
    Pampered by the Toughest Man After Divorce
    Historia · Zhangsun Diyang
  • Floor_Lava
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    hahaha it's like those fan service shots in animes where the skirt goes up on the girls. men are meat also

    About then, a gust of wind blew up Ye-ge's clothes, revealing his firm abs again.
    Pampered by the Toughest Man After Divorce
    Historia · Zhangsun Diyang
  • Floor_Lava
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    hahaha! oh my goodness what in the world. you can't headbutt a wolf, your face will meet their snout, and then it's hello, teeth! anybody who's ever seen dogs fighting will know, they go in fully "on", their teeth don't stop snapping until they've got a bite, and then they don't let go. suspect a wolf wouldn't be so polite as to "attack" with its mouth closed..

    The wolf was slightly startled.
    Pampered by the Toughest Man After Divorce
    Historia · Zhangsun Diyang
  • Floor_Lava
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    yep. the second you can wipe your own butt, without leaving any crumbs, you gotta get to work.

    Nan Feng couldn't help but mutter: "Even those over six years old have to submit grain. It seems that in this era, you must start working at six years old!"
    Pampered by the Toughest Man After Divorce
    Historia · Zhangsun Diyang
  • Floor_Lava
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    with songs foreign to the singer's language, I'll make myself an example, I learned the vowel sounds first, sing solfeggio. then the song opens up from your guts to your mouth and finally the brain lol. and you relax into the sound even if you don't understand the language.

    Upon hearing this, Li Yanran's eyes lit up, "Right! Why didn't I think of that? I can remember the homophonic phrases! Yangyang, you're too smart!"
    Rebirth of a Village Girl
    Integral · Bong Five
  • Floor_Lava
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    Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful. This is Proverbs 27:6. Grandma can criticize all she needs to, cuz she loves you, and it's worth it to take that "burn" and learn from it. This family is very cute

    "Indeed," the matriarch proudly replied, "If you weren't my grandson, you wouldn't have the privilege of my criticism."
    Rebirth of a Village Girl
    Integral · Bong Five
  • Floor_Lava
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    lol what. that is not a thing. it's some made up power -pump humpty-hump.. if that was true the baby would have busted out like the koolaid man, instead of the weak little kitten. poor fictional child.. that part did make me sad. I know what it's like having a premature child and the loss of such a one is unimaginable. it really breaks you. into tiny little itty bitty messed up pieces that cut indiscriminately at anyone who tries to pick those pieces up.

    After Qin Ruan and Young Master Huo spent a night together, he fell weak due to loss of virginity and was sent overseas for medical treatment by his family, set to return after a year.
    Master Huo Is Jealous Again
    Ciudad · Lady is like a flower