With the bane of her existence being to fight for and defend her kingdom as the Dame commander of the royal knighthood, Aeryn indulges in the enchantments, beauty and politics of Fjerde even as she finds herself torn between loyalty for Kingdom Ashtkne and her newly found home.
Her purpose within the kingdom is redefined from more than just an emissary after each passing day as she forms bonds and forges alliances amongst the folk Fjerde.
Prince Cardhan, poses as a threat to not only her resolve of remaining faithful to her Kingdom but to her emotions as their love grows amidst courtly intrigues and looming threats.
Aeryn must summon her courage to persevere through and conquer challenges that arise as well as embrace her new home and the prince, both of which she has grown increasingly fond of and began to cherish, both of which are riddled with secrets.
Join her as she navigates a world where destiny unfolds with each passing day in the land of Fjerde where hopes and dreams are only a page away.
diane_koneyy · Fantasía