

2023-06-07 Se unióGlobal

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  • hardrollsrantropic
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    she is so gross and i can't stand her

    Ch 28 My Victory
    Blood and Desire: Soulbound (BL)
    LGBT+ · Yasmina_Iro
  • hardrollsrantropic
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    just won't give up

    "Damn… it," Sybil spat, coughing up more blood as she waited for her ribs to heal enough to sit up. She couldn't understand why Addis cared as much as he did about that pathetic Faye but now that she understood that he did, she needed a new plan. She couldn't dare try to kill him again herself; as much as she didn't mind Addis' anger, she couldn't enjoy it if he killed her. She would need to find someone else willing to do the dirty work, and a way to keep herself removed from it.
    Blood and Desire: Soulbound (BL)
    LGBT+ · Yasmina_Iro
  • hardrollsrantropic
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    drop that mic

    "As long as my point is made, Sybil." He beamed, turning on his heels as he started to walk away. "I'll leave you to your work, it seems you have a busy day ahead of you."
    Blood and Desire: Soulbound (BL)
    LGBT+ · Yasmina_Iro
  • hardrollsrantropic
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    Sybil was distracted from her thoughts as she felt claws around her neck and she gasped for air as Addis lifted her off the floor. He quickly slammed her back down into it, and the vampiress felt as several of her bones broke, forcing blood from her mouth as Addis glared down at her. He had partially slipped into his vampiric form and she couldn't help the slight flush of arousal that joined her fear.
    Blood and Desire: Soulbound (BL)
    LGBT+ · Yasmina_Iro
  • hardrollsrantropic
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    you almost killed him too! he has every right to angry

    "I wanted to make sure I got the point across this time, Sybil. If he had died," Sybil's head jerked back up with his words and she saw that his expression had finally changed. His smile was dark and hungry and despite the morning light streaming in from the windows behind her, she was certain that her office was being swallowed by shadows. She found it difficult to meet Addis' eyes, the pressure of the room making her want to cower. Addis was well and truly angry this time. "You would be as well."
    Blood and Desire: Soulbound (BL)
    LGBT+ · Yasmina_Iro
  • hardrollsrantropic
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    he really went there

    The tray held the heads of her star hosts, all born vampires whom she had hired on recently. Their individual shows had caused her views to rise significantly, and she glared at Addis as he maintained his smile. He knew it would hurt her viewership to try and replace them and her anger and confusion rose as she dropped her gaze back to the tray.
    Blood and Desire: Soulbound (BL)
    LGBT+ · Yasmina_Iro
  • hardrollsrantropic
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    of course he's not gonna ruin his look

    "Sybil," a pleasurable feeling ran through Sybil's entire body as she heard his voice and she barely flinched as he tossed open the doors to her office. There was a perfectly civilized smile on his face as he stood in the doorway, and she was pleased to not see a drop of blood on his suit. Perfect as always.
    Blood and Desire: Soulbound (BL)
    LGBT+ · Yasmina_Iro
  • hardrollsrantropic
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    i mean- still kinda messed up.

    Sybil had hated the radio baron, hated how his radio stations were more popular than her television. After all, it was an idea she had borrowed from the human world, and she had expected more vampires to slowly open up to her idea. It was finally starting to catch on, but it was fair to say that Addis still dominated entertainment in Dephus and Sybil struggled to expand beyond Pavivani city. It wasn't until she had risked killing one of his star hosts that she had seen the true Addis, and the vampiress had been enraptured ever since.
    Blood and Desire: Soulbound (BL)
    LGBT+ · Yasmina_Iro
  • hardrollsrantropic
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    geez she had issues. sees what she wanna sees

    Sure he would be livid; after all, she had dared to kill a human that he was responsible for and that technically counted as an insult toward him and the princess, but she had done him a favor. Sybil angrily clicked the pocket mirror shut, unable to help the small pieces of ice that started to cover its vibrant red surface. She could still see in her mind, clear as day, that shameless Faye, dragging Addis into that side room. She had heard the noise of their kiss, her jealousy and desire for Addis being the only thing that kept her from opening the door. She would never insult Addis to that degree, and so she seethed as she listened to that disgusting human's moans as he was given Addis' attention. Him, and not her.
    Blood and Desire: Soulbound (BL)
    LGBT+ · Yasmina_Iro
  • hardrollsrantropic
    Comentado por

    so gross

    The vampiress glowed as she sat in her office chair, glancing out the window to the sunny morning. Lena's little field trip had returned the night before, and she was practically giddy with excitement. Addis would arrive to visit her at any moment, and she carefully opened her pocket mirror to check her makeup.
    Blood and Desire: Soulbound (BL)
    LGBT+ · Yasmina_Iro
  • hardrollsrantropic
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    she deserves it

    **Gore, Physical Violence**
    Blood and Desire: Soulbound (BL)
    LGBT+ · Yasmina_Iro
  • hardrollsrantropic
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    oh i doubt you'll be avoiding him

    Ch 27 Their Relief
    Blood and Desire: Soulbound (BL)
    LGBT+ · Yasmina_Iro
  • hardrollsrantropic
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    OMG Faye

    "He's still an arrogant asshole who wouldn't know the meaning of tact if it slapped him in the face with its dick," Faye inisited, angrily cutting into this meat as Noemi laughed. "He saved me to keep Lena happy and he took what he wanted. Just like every other High Vampire in Dephus."
    Blood and Desire: Soulbound (BL)
    LGBT+ · Yasmina_Iro
  • hardrollsrantropic
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    she ships it

    "I've dealt wit ya after Adrian bites you and you don't smell like this," Noemi insisted and Faye growled, poking the chicken with his fork. Couldn't she just let this go? "I'm just saying, you got him to break his rule, so clearly he ain't all that bothered by ya."
    Blood and Desire: Soulbound (BL)
    LGBT+ · Yasmina_Iro
  • hardrollsrantropic
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    "Ya smell like you either fucked Addis, or wished ya had," Noemi interrupted and Faye frowned as he angrily turned back to his food. Damn her and her good sense of smell. "Did ya run so he's come after you?"
    Blood and Desire: Soulbound (BL)
    LGBT+ · Yasmina_Iro
  • hardrollsrantropic
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    pretty nifty

    "Ya really like to push things," he motioned for her to lead the way, following Noemi as she quietly worked her way down the halls, pausing every once in a while as she sniffed the air. He had no idea what she was sniffing for, but he trusted her to find the kitchen. After all, even without taking blood, Noemi had an incredible sense of smell for a vampire, and there was little she couldn't find if she wanted to.
    Blood and Desire: Soulbound (BL)
    LGBT+ · Yasmina_Iro
  • hardrollsrantropic
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    she got what she wanted ;)

    "Rosie seemed pleased, but I'm not sure why," Noemi admitted and Faye shrugged as she gazed down the hallway after her Soulbound partner again. "She didn't care about you being missing, since she was certain you would be found."
    Blood and Desire: Soulbound (BL)
    LGBT+ · Yasmina_Iro
  • hardrollsrantropic
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    ah so close and yet so far

    Ch 26 [Bonus chapter]Crucial Intervention
    Blood and Desire: Soulbound (BL)
    LGBT+ · Yasmina_Iro
  • hardrollsrantropic
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    *froths violently*

    Ch 25 My Pride
    Blood and Desire: Soulbound (BL)
    LGBT+ · Yasmina_Iro
  • hardrollsrantropic
    respondió a kisuameira

    oh shes something

    Faye was not her; no, this squirming, moaning mess beneath him was better than she could ever hope to be, and a thought started to settle in the vampire's mind. Perhaps Rosie was right and being Soulbound wasn't so bad; it was not a lie to say the more he interacted with the human, the more he found Faye's hatred and defiance fascinating. If drinking from the human gave him a power boost better than taking a vampire's blood, then he should be thanking Fate for dropping such an amazing gift in his lap.
    Blood and Desire: Soulbound (BL)
    LGBT+ · Yasmina_Iro