

2023-06-02 Se unióGlobal

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  • Novel_Meditation
    Novel_Meditationa year ago
    respondió a Dickson_

    I think overall the writing is good and I feel like you're doing well at conveying what you want, which isn't easy. If I had to nitpick, maybe some paragraphs are too long, or could be broken up more so that it's spaced out better. One such narrative technique is to tag the action, or use taglines. Example: With his other hand, he flipped the switch to the bathroom fan, He had, maybe, two minutes. <---Action Barely enough time. <--- Tagline Have you ever read 'Terror Infinity'? The MC, and the others go from one horror movie to another. I feel the story could be improved by reworking your story to emulate that particular story structure. It feels like to me you may have read it and that particular story also allows the transmigrators to pull characters out of the movie world into the real world. Also because of your particular mc character design and general theme of your premise, it feels like it could use something such as an antagonist/hero/villain, or type of your choosing to bring out more purpose, or counterplea for the MC. Stories such as I became the rich second generation villain, I am a Dao Fushuai villain, or I am the fated villain. The pitch for 'Alien', was sharks in space. My pitch to you is Terror Infinity meets Hentai, or I am a Gao Fushuai Villain, but instead of novels, it's multiple Hentai series. Both offer a great narrative framework for your premise. On a side note, I think an interesting concept would be to sexy up the Villain vs Protagonist, sub-genre, by making a world where the villain or MC is going up against various protagonists golden-finger/cheat/system/plot armor, related to sex, lust, incubus, Succubus, harem abilities and powers, etc... and cockblocking them or preventing the Netorare. Maybe breaking the protagonist halo is the equivalent to turning them into eunuchs, or giving them ED. And instead of 'luck' its 'Rizz energy'. Charm, Physique + dick, and Rizz cultivation, with a skill shop or something as simple would make for a good enough system for the host. As long as the system stays away from too many features, to the point of occupying most of the chapter, or forced enslavement to ruin the plot you could have a very long and interesting story. Anyway, it's just a thought I had while writing up my review/suggestions. The writing is good and in my opinion is capable of telling a better story. It's subjective and my ideas, isn't necessarily any better, or worse. It just comes down to taste. Sorry for the long post, if you have read this far. Keep it up and good luck!

  • Novel_Meditation
    Novel_Meditationa year ago
    Publicado por

    The writing and smut is good. There is room for improvement in plot and story. Good stories involve drama and overcoming obstacles. If it becomes too easy the story will not be as interesting. I have some suggestions. Allow for some setbacks and avoid any direct form of system inducing slavery or mind control. By using the system to improve himself and providing him the tools he can overcome the situations, destroying the notion of resistence. For example, if the rich lady hires someone to assassinate the MC, or play some tricks such as attempted poisoning, steal the phone, blackmail the MC in return, or whatever scenario you come up with. All these events will allow for the MC to use these setbacks to improve, grow and develop while showcasing his acquired skills. You don't have to force situations or plot as they are already built in. You just have to excavate and build upon your story. The eventual submission in his relationships will also be more satisfying and provide sense of accomplishment. Another important point is consistency. Such as staying on top of the system with distribution of rewards and improvements. It will help with story pacing. Nobody forgets about level ups and improvements. Why would anyone not immediately at the press of a button continually improve their physique or looks when available. If the MC doesn't care, why should I as the reader care? Part of what makes the system or litrpg aspect interesting is seeing or tracking the characters growth. The story so far has been pretty good in that aspect so far. Maybe you can find away to build or incorporate the system checks with his morning routine or make it a habit after each encounter.