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Sooo… there basically Hall Monitors 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
Seriously?!?! How am I not making any sense? TJ_Rose, I’m not sure you’re picking up what I’m putting down… (I say while pinching the bridge of my nose) I’m NOT suggesting the device would, in anyway shape or form affect his “physical body” not once did I say that. What I suggested, was that putting a “magical suppressor” on a still growing “magical” preteen child; might be a bad idea, cause it might, in my opinion, stunt his… “””MAGICAL!!!””” “””GROWTH!!!””” And magic, being of a ethereal and or spiritual nature is completely separate i.e. not connected to the “physical body” in anyway…. And if you still don’t get what I’m saying, I… I don’t know, god help you I guess. Cause short of writing out a twenty page essay with a PowerPoint presentation (which I’m not willing to do) I don’t know how else to explain this to you. 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
Well if you put device on a child that suppresses magic during his early years when his magical development takes place. I would think that would be harmful even risk turning him into a squib.
Monster Hunting Guild? Hiring Mercenaries? I thought the whole reason Witchers were made was because normal people/humans in that world stood like “zero chance” in a fight against monsters…
Dimensional Invasion!?!?
What kinda name is Six VI?