


Cat lady in training

2023-04-09 Se unióGlobal

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  • Team_Celine
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    Dude is probably ready to kiss her for her part in getting them supplies. I love it!

    Before she could finish her sentence, he grabbed her around the waist and effortlessly lifted her off her mare.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasía · Suji Kim
  • Team_Celine
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    He's both her biggest cheerleader and the president of the peanut gallery when she's fighting with Riftan 😅

    Over her shoulder, she caught Hebaron stifling a chuckle. He seemed to find her acting highly entertaining. She gave a light cough. A fleeting regret crossed her mind — perhaps bringing him along had not been the wisest decision.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasía · Suji Kim
  • Team_Celine
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    Huh. So I guess Maxi would inherit Croyso and then (considering how tough it is for her to have 1 child let alone 2 and Anatol needs an heir first) it would go to Rosetta. Interesting...

    "Regardless of the state of your relationship, you are the duke's firstborn," Sir Derek replied calmly. "Although His Grace has declared the crown princess's second child his heir, his condition might not hold until then. If he were to pass without a designated heir, as the eldest, you would likely inherit all."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasía · Suji Kim
  • Team_Celine
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    🎵Boy got me walkin' side to side 🎶

    Already, the sky was an ink blue, and a fierce snowstorm raged around them. He wrapped her inside his cloak and led her out of the lumber camp. When he noticed her wobbly gait, he swooped her up to carry her in his arms.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasía · Suji Kim
  • Team_Celine
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    If you're gonna rev up her engine like that you better be sure to finish the race

    "Y-You can pull out at the end."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasía · Suji Kim
  • Team_Celine
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    Kuahel has a lot to think about behind that poker face 🤭The relic, the dragon's resurrection, what are those tingly feelings he gets near Maxi?, the lizardmen's motives, must.stay.near.Maxi during.battle, church politics....

    His eyes locked onto the green banner of the Knights of Phil Aaron before he turned Talon around, heading back toward the heart of the camp. As he watched the quartermaster distributing rations, he noticed Kuahel Leon sitting nearby, staring blankly into the blazing flames of a campfire. Somehow, his relaxed demeanor got on Riftan's nerves.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasía · Suji Kim
  • Team_Celine
    respondió a Sarah_451

    That stufd has a....well a certain oily/ jelly like texture compared to water

    Riftan gently cupped and squeezed her breast with a large, sinewed hand before slipping it between her legs. He let out a ragged breath as he felt her wetness.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasía · Suji Kim
  • Team_Celine
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    I mean, emotional affirmation is among the best foreplay you could ask for

    Riftan gently cupped and squeezed her breast with a large, sinewed hand before slipping it between her legs. He let out a ragged breath as he felt her wetness.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasía · Suji Kim
  • Team_Celine
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    Girl is forgetting she that turned the entire country of Livadon into her personal fanclub

    "I-I fear there must be something wrong with your eyes," Maxi murmured, trying to quell the overwhelming joy singing in her chest. How could he utter such a statement when he personally knew Rosetta and Princess Agnes, two women hailed as the epitome of beauty in Wedon?
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasía · Suji Kim
  • Team_Celine
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    It's called:

    "Called personal gain," Riftan replied sardonically as he lowered her onto the bed.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasía · Suji Kim
  • Team_Celine
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    This might be the first time Maxi has EVER commanded the RDK to do anything in her capacity as Riftan's wife. I'm LIVING for it

    Losing her patience, Maxi shot the knights a sharp look. "W-What are you waiting for?! I want this man out of my sight!"
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasía · Suji Kim
  • Team_Celine
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    The Duke is such an idiot. He's started his bs by sending his lackey to disrespect Riftan when Riftan is directly responsible for his protection. He's overcharging merchants so bad that they leave during a crisis when they should be making the most money. And I swear on my life that moron WILL make some ridiculous deal with Breston that'll give someone the excuse to finally kill him. The Duke is his own worst enemy

    Picking up his wine, Riftan took a sip before adding softly, "But you are certainly providing me with some right now."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasía · Suji Kim
  • Team_Celine
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    Bruh, they've been SO much worse with their pda than this. Just be glad they're not making out...yet

    Hebaron watched this with a peeved expression, then clicked his tongue, grumbling, "Blimey, show some consideration for the lonely man over here."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasía · Suji Kim
  • Team_Celine
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    Can't blame her. Girl needs rest not dinner and a clown show

    That set off another nasty spat between the northerner and the Temple Knight. Losing her appetite completely, Maxi lowered her spoon. She would have preferred to dine on stale bread and watery porridge in the barracks.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasía · Suji Kim
  • Team_Celine
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    "Balto refused to send reinforcements during the Dragon Campaign, so you have no right to criticize the loss of the stone," Kuahel retorted, a hint of contempt on his lips. "Before you attempt to condemn me or the church, you should reflect on whether Balto was ever a true ally to the southern kingdoms."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasía · Suji Kim
  • Team_Celine
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    Well, yes Sherlock. Greg joined your army with glowing eyes, prolly ate raw meat and answered questions with "hsss" and y'all said, oh he's just quirky! Welcome dude! 🤡

    Breston, tearing a large piece of meat gripped in his fist, snarled with an ill-humored smile. "What are you implying? That there's a problem with my army?"
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasía · Suji Kim
  • Team_Celine
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    Amma go out on a limb and say it was Breston. He has the audacity

    How on earth did they manage to draw this here?
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasía · Suji Kim
  • Team_Celine
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    I'm surprised she didn't pass out until the next day 😂

    "About two hours," he answered, gently rubbing her shoulder.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasía · Suji Kim
  • Team_Celine
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    "N-No, no, no."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasía · Suji Kim
  • Team_Celine
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    At least she can't shove Elliot off like she does with Ulyseon 😅

    It seemed Elliot had been assigned as her personal guard this time, as Ulyseon and Garrow were occupied with other duties. Though Maxi thought the knight was being overly concerned, she offered him a faint smile and made an effort to keep close to the others. She understood Riftan's and the knights' concern for her well-being.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasía · Suji Kim