


Hello I’m the guy who makes fics on surprisingly non findable things. I am also somehow the top supporter of my SCP fic despite not putting any powerstones in it.

2023-04-12 Se unióGlobal



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  • Whadyamean
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    Isn’t that permanent physical harm? As cutting off years of someones lifespan is still a permanent injury.

    'I'll skip the fact that I use my magic to increase cell division therefore cutting a bit of their lifespan for the more deadly wounds. I gotta love mundane medicine books. And my beautiful enhanced brain. I learned how to heal just about anything IF it is caused by my magic. Since I caused the wound, I can easily manipulate it to close and heal.
    HP/DxD: Raven
    Cómic · Alcoholic_Panda
  • Whadyamean
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    I can already feel the possible plot of one of these being stolen and someone starting a new jedi order to combat his sith one.

    8. Kyber Crystals 23x (Colorless/Unbonded)
    A Sith in another world : Sith'ari
    Cómic · Theodoric_Jager
  • Whadyamean
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    Pretty stupid scapegoat considering its a 10 year old child. No one would believe you if you pinned it on them.

    In fact, Lester went to prison entirely to take the blame for a son of a dignitary, and he was a poor scapegoat.
    Harry Potter: It's just a billion points of dark magic
    Película · sabina_ali
  • Whadyamean
    respondió a TOKACHIKATO

    I don’t have it on hand, you can easily find it if you search it up tho.

    "Welcome to my special hell."
    Cómic · TheFanBoy
  • Whadyamean
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    He dosen’t need to know how to drive a tank if he becomes one.

    Continuing on from my highest skill to my lowest skill, that spot is unsurprisingly occupied by my piloting skill. Not a big surprise there considering that is a skill that only really goes up with experience to my knowledge and seeing how young I am, I haven't had the opportunity nor the pleasure to get behind the wheel in this life, yet. Beyond that, I also haven't invested much effort in reading about the different driving and piloting techniques I have access to, so that contributes to its low number.
    Wasteland Conqueror
    Fantasía · PowerArmorGuy
  • Whadyamean
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    This is such a boring way to do this. This efefctively tether Jon to the plot as if he derails it away from continuity he won’t get anymore points from it.

    Hestia responds with a reassuring tone, "Jon, to earn Gacha Points, immerse yourself in the world of Westeros. Interact with significant characters, disrupt the storyline with unexpected choices, and complete side quests. The more you engage with the world, the more points you'll accrue for your endeavors."
    Winter's Resurgence
    Derivados de obras · Vikrant_Utekar_5653
  • Whadyamean
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    That’s not at all what Hestia is related to. Hearth and Home does not relate to guidance and direction. Dosen’t really matter, but please if your going to do mythological stuff look into it just a little bit.

    Jon pondered for a moment, considering a fitting name for the system that would accompany him on his journey through Westeros. After a brief pause, he spoke with resolve, "Hestia," Jon declared with a determined nod, imbuing the system with a name that resonated with him. "Like the goddess of hearth and home, you shall be my constant companion and guide as I navigate the trials of Westeros."
    Winter's Resurgence
    Derivados de obras · Vikrant_Utekar_5653
  • Whadyamean
    respondió a Shuayeb_Ahmed

    Yeah everytime there’s one of these they always get one rare, epic, legendary or mythical draw first try.

    Jon's excitement reached a fever pitch as he envisioned the incredible array of allies he could call upon to aid him in his adventures. "This is beyond anything I ever imagined! I could become the most OP character in Planetos."
    Winter's Resurgence
    Derivados de obras · Vikrant_Utekar_5653
  • Whadyamean
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    Did they just confirm that he gets to choose his world and powers despite it being chcosen at random?

    ROB nodded, a mischievous grin playing across his lips. "That's right. The world is your oyster, Jon, and the powers at your disposal are limited only by your imagination."
    Winter's Resurgence
    Derivados de obras · Vikrant_Utekar_5653
  • Whadyamean
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    If this man can survive 2 lightning strikes you can survive one, get up sissy.

    As Jon Smith strolled through the park, basking in the warmth of the sun and the serenity of nature, a sudden change in the weather caught him off guard. Dark clouds gathered overhead, and before he could even contemplate seeking shelter, a bolt of lightning cracked through the sky with the force of Zeus himself. Jon felt as though he had been struck by a celestial sledgehammer, his entire body jolting with electricity before he was unceremoniously sent crashing to the ground, limbs splayed in a comical display of shock.
    Winter's Resurgence
    Derivados de obras · Vikrant_Utekar_5653
  • Whadyamean
    respondió a GreenoDZ18

    Ok now I can’t get out if my head the idea that they’re just toothless from How To Train Your Dragon because of the green eye artwork dragon in that.

    Winter's Resurgence
    Derivados de obras · Vikrant_Utekar_5653
  • Whadyamean
    respondió a Whadyamean

    I changed the World Background to 2/5 because the author puts little to no effort in making the world interesting. The only beneficial change in a way is the whole “Serpent of the Crown” deal, but even then introducing something that won’t have that much of an impact on the story and hyping it up so much that you could make an entire chapter based on how many times they keep mentioning it is more detrimental to the story than any merits it had.

    Harry Potter with Technology System
    Derivados de obras · TheFanficGod
  • Whadyamean
    Publicado por

    Writing Quality 4/5 Update Stability 5/5 Story Development 1/5 Character Design 2/5 World Background 3/5 Stopped at chapter 121 so I REALLY know what I’m talking about. If you can’t bother to read the rest of this review, I would not read this, it’s a long, ardous story where barely anything happens in a chapter. You’ll have to sift around the oftentimes meaningless dialogue to find anything of importance or substance, and even them it’s drip fed to you as it takes 30 chapters for anything important to happen, and it’s stretched out during those chapters. A tone that feels more dead and depressing than a rotting corpse sorounded by flies and seems less inspired than an office workers commute to work. I loathe that I read up to chapter 121 as it was a therough waste of time. From a pure punctuation and sentence structure standpoint this story is perfect. However everything else is flawed. You can really feel that a chapter is updated every day and that the author has to stretch oht the chapters to meet some minimum word quoata they have to fill before releasing one. The story DRAGS forever. Nothing goes nowhere for 10 chapters at a time. You get knowledge, learn what Harrys doing, but nothing of significance or story development occurs for 2 sentences at a time. Even at chapter 100, that’s right chapter 100 your still in the prologue, there’s no conflict. The snail pace of the story can be mostly attributed to Nigel, the Technology System’s AI. He never shuts up about anything. About 1/4-1/3 of the text in a chaoter can be attributed to Nigel’s dry banter with Harry that gets boring after you figure out the formula of, something of minimal importance happens, Nigel interrupts the flow of the story to say something that most of the time is just filler and unfunny jokes, Harry responds and acts like what Nugel said is insightful, yet oftentimes is something like in chapter 121 where he literally stretches out the phrase, “don’t step on Daphne’s toes” to a 2-3 sentence dialogue where Nigel’s boring, dry, unchanging, robotic attitude sounds liek Harrys facing a dragon and needs to focus. Then Harry goes, “of course it would sure be a rather unfortunate occasion if that were to happen”. This exchange takes up about 1/5-1/4 of the chaoter, and this is a short example. Moving on from the horrendous pace there’s literally no character development. The only oen to receive anything even regarding that is Aunt Petunia, but the author messed it up by making the tone all methodical and serious despite clearly wanting to make a loving and warn atmosphere. The author struggles to understand that when you want to make Harry seem like he’s a actually happy or satisfied you have to move away from the 4-5 sylable words that make me feel like I’m in the presence of a robot who’s only goal in life is to research and learn. And even then they struggle to do that. The cause, like multiple other struggling authors, being not following the fundemental rule of Show Don’t Tell. They constantly say what’s happening and the result than including any of the sensations or emotions Harry feels. I would not read this again, I actually wish I never read it, it’s an unispired story filled with uninspired actions that make you feel like it’s building up to something, drawing you in. But it will never come to fruition, or when it does it won’t matter as we’d be in chapter 2,500 considering it took 100 chapters to finally make it to the trill. It’s a slow methotical story made to keep your attention and waste your time. I actually struggle to understand if this was made out of enjoyment with how lifeless and empty it feels once you look past the fancy words and attempts at humour that fall flatter than a board and dryer than dirt. This is a waste of time don’t read it, the only reason this isn’t at a 2 or 1 star review is that it’s grammatically correct and its updates are stable. Everything else is bad, but it’s ironic that the story about technology and AI assistance feels like it was made by one that dosen’t understand pacing or humour.

    Harry Potter with Technology System
    Derivados de obras · TheFanficGod
  • Whadyamean
    respondió a Zarracki

    It’s less about the context and more the repititious natyre of Nigel’s tone and speach. Every time Nigel speaks is done through a formula, first something that has minimal importance-very important happens, Nigel begins with “Master Harry” or anything else in the same manner as such, lays out his own perspective of things in a very serious tone or matter and makes it out to seem like something of great importance. The problem is they’re dancing, Harry is no longer a young innecperienced child, he does not need Nigel to come in and say “don’t step on her feet while dancing because that’s bad”. Nigel lays out these simple matters like your in a war room pouring over strategies, and even then his anyalysis is almost never needed nor helpful. From this need to inser themselves into seemingly everything of any importance Nigel disrupts the flow of the story through their constant interruptions, and even then it feels more like filler than witty banter.

    Harry, maintaining his steps meticulously to avoid any missteps, replied mentally, "Worry not, Nigel. I've been known to have a certain finesse on the dance floor when the occasion calls for it."
    Harry Potter with Technology System
    Derivados de obras · TheFanficGod
  • Whadyamean
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    Is that why no one has convicted Lockhart yet? He just runs the entire recreational reading industry and removing him would absolutely destroy what little literary culture they have.

    Hermione, who had grown up in the Muggle world like Harry, was currently reviewing her class materials, her focus unwavering from the pursuit of academic excellence. Despite her Muggle upbringing, she seemed just as ensconced in the educational aspect of the wizarding world, with little mention of recreational reading. Daphne, overhearing Harry's question, looked up from her book, a slight shrug accompanying her response. "There are some, but they're mostly aimed at children," she explained, a hint of regret in her voice for the lack of variety.
    Harry Potter with Technology System
    Derivados de obras · TheFanficGod
  • Whadyamean
    respondió a DaoistnfUBW0

    *What the Dementors when they come knocking on Hogwart’s door

    When not in the classroom or with his friends, Harry devoted himself to mastering Omnitongue Magic Casting. He had grown comfortable with casting spells in Parseltongue and had now turned his attention to the Unicorn language. This new challenge intrigued him, the melodious and pure essence of the language offering a stark contrast to the sibilant hisses of Parseltongue.
    Harry Potter with Technology System
    Derivados de obras · TheFanficGod
  • Whadyamean
    Comentado por
    Nigel's voice offered a note of caution amid the festivities. "Enjoy the moment, Master Harry, but remember, the higher you rise, the harder you may fall. Keep your allies close, but your wits closer."
    Harry Potter with Technology System
    Derivados de obras · TheFanficGod
  • Whadyamean
    Comentado por

    Actual I was playing chess while you where checkers moment.

    "I was known for my academic excellence, and now I excel in sports as well. People who saw me merely as a nerdy memorizer, perhaps slightly adept in spellcasting, will now reconsider their views," Harry mused in his mind, a forkful of food paused mid-air. "This notoriety is essential for securing the title of Serpent of the Crown. While the exact criteria for selection by the Room are still unclear, Selena hinted that the most fitting Slytherin would be chosen. Fame, cunning, magical prowess, intelligence - I'll demonstrate them all. Once I gain the title, I'll wield control over Slytherin, extending my influence to the other houses. When I establish a certain influence in the whole school, our journey in the game of politics will truly begin."
    Harry Potter with Technology System
    Derivados de obras · TheFanficGod
  • Whadyamean
    respondió a HL005

    At this point I just skip the first fee words of Nigel’s speach because they’re always just pleasantries.

    Nigel, ever the source of dry wit, chuckled, "Ah, cheating in your first game. How very Slytherin of you, Master Harry."
    Harry Potter with Technology System
    Derivados de obras · TheFanficGod
  • Whadyamean
    respondió a Wesley_Hylry

    “You kill your enemies future they shall have none.” -Dumbledore

    As the students began to stir, Harry's thoughts immediately turned to Hermione. She didn't know about the troll, still distraught in the girls' bathroom. Making a quick decision, he slipped away from the crowd, retrieving two items from his inventory: an Invisibility Ring and an Enchanted Mirror for Distant Viewing. Whispering "Hermione Granger" to the mirror, he added under his breath, "I hope you are not in an inappropriate position, Ms. Granger."
    Harry Potter with Technology System
    Derivados de obras · TheFanficGod