Novels are the only thing keeping me alive and happy through my bleak and depressing life right now. Though keep that Yaoi out of here or my depression might come back.
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dropped.... i understood Mark cuz it's canon. Sukuna was tolerable but this? this is just bullshit altogether. why not just bring everyone along until there are too many characters for us to focus on
yeah. and the avengers
well did not need to know tha
she does do that in the comics. made herself thiccer
I think everyone is....
Can someone please add a word count on how many times in the entire fic has characters said Tactical or Tactically? lmao
yeah maybe for you and slow burn fans (No offense) but not me... i like normal fics where it takes a month for an arc that could've been finished in a week. besides, Fate characters are OP compared to the MCU, too much focus on the mundane and weak normal humans compared to what you'd expect from a crossover from Fate and Marvel.
Cecil is like the perfect combination of Nick Fury, Amanda Waller, and Batman.
The strong you say?
i read it somewhere: If you can't find a way to Victory, then find a way for their victory to be so unpalatable that they don't want it.