


Just an anime nerd that writes for fun. I'm 23 years old and attending college for Computer Science, so sorry for any late updates!

2023-04-01 Se unióUnited States



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I Spent 3000 Years in Hell

Gier Dixon, 22 year old college student, was walking down the street one day going about his business like usual, heading to class, when suddenly out of nowhere a bus came screeching around the corner to a busy intersection. The light was red so a woman and her daughter were crossing the street, it was obvious that the bus was out of control and the woman couldn't react in time, only for a flash of black to appear before her and she was suddenly pushed out of the way. Gier didn't even realized what happened before his body suddenly leaped into action.... All he could remember was waking up to the sight of the clear blue sky. There were flashing lights all around him and people shouting. He couldn't hear what they were saying and he couldn't move.... The realization swiftly hit him that he was dying. In his last moments he could only think, "Man.... I hope that woman and her daughter are alright.....", before he finally took his last breath. Now, seeing as how Gier died while doing a selfless act, you'd assume that he'd have a guaranteed spot in heaven, right? WRONG! Gier was mistakenly thrown down into hell due to an error in God's system. So as recompense, God decides to give him a system and unlock a hidden bloodline within his body. But upon doing so, he unleashed hell on earth as humongous portals began to appear all over the world, unleashing monstrous creatures if they weren't cleared in time. So, although he hadn't planned on giving it to anyone else, God decided to bless the humans with a downgraded system that Gier got, allowing them to fight back these hordes of demons and monsters. This, in a blink of an eye.... 30 years have passed on earth.... While Gier was stuck in hell for 3000.....

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