Just a Newbie Who Wants To Write and Read
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the rest is dark green close to black. ı worked my ass for this so you need to tell me what I've done wrong and what I've done right so far.
and ı would like to hear what do you think about the series after you read it! like is there something ı can add? or take out of the series?
Yes he will. there will be romance with a one girl but there is a long way for that to be happen like sinnoh or Unova Part,I will add a lemon just for you,Even at Kanto he has a gimmick named Adaptad Pokemon only for the Johto and Kanto part ıdk maybe ı could add to the hoenn as well. and there will be many more gimmicks!
What does having 4x weakness to bug types does to a guy?
I made him choose Ralts for two reasons. Axew evolves to Late! and second is for the plot since Ralts is an Emotion Pokemon. and I also said it in the chapter that Axew is a powerhouse that can destroy Kanto and Johto by itself.
Lo siento si no te gusta la historia, pero voy a seguir adelante. Y no estoy usando pokemon hecho por fans, solo cambié los tipos para agregar algo de sabor.
Hey ı updated most of the first chapters. could you pls tell me what do you think of them now?