


Let's go. In and out. Twenty minutes adventure.

2023-03-03 Se unióCanada



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I am a Human after all (DxD)

Who wouldn’t jump at the chance for rewards with zero effort? You know those motivational speeches about "enjoying the journey"? Yeah, scrap that. How about snagging the Alchemy of Atlas by sheer dumb luck or getting your hands on Excalibur just because you’re on good terms with a top-tier waifu? Sounds like the dream life, right? Well, almost. The only thing standing between you and pure bliss is surviving long enough to actually enjoy it — in a world where the real power lies with those at the top of the supernatural food chain... and yeep, that includes boobs. --------------------------------------------------------------- Author’s Note: This fanfic revolves around two main things. First — I couldn’t care less about sticking to the canon. I’m not going to treat it like some precious little baby… and by the way, I hate kids! If I feel like it, Akeno won’t be Rias’s queen, and if it suits the story, Rias is gonna toughen up and won’t be that helpless damsel from the anime. Second — humans in the DxD world have limitless potential, and I’m not even talking about Touki or Sacred Gears. The MC is going to be a real mage, the kind who wields "human magic" so well that Satan himself would lose his mind down in Hell. Because let’s be real, in DxD, human magic is basically just science! And what do we say to the big shots of the supernatural world? That’s right — here’s a nuclear warhead straight to your face! And if one’s not enough, well, there’s always the option of starting a full-blown nuclear apocalypse for that bastard! --------------------------------------------------------------- This story is also present on: FFN, ScribbleHub, SufficientVelocity, and SpaceBattles

Wakamezake · Cómic
13 Chs