This young master, a connoisseur of pirated novels, delights in the audacious art of acquiring literary treasures without deigning to part with his esteemed wealth. fuck author who deleted review
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thank gods, telekinesis was related to mind so i got a Ptsd
there's no mind control type shi right?
that's why i dont like this this type of story. the mc just straight up stupid
i've missread the title i though it was The blackbender Lol. i've missread the title i though it was The blackbender Lol. i've missread the title i though it was The blackbender Lol. i've missread the title i though it was The blackbender Lol.
cry about it
hear me out. i think this ditto was the most compatible
yeah, spending 2 million is not stupid at all. its not like you just got the answer based on that cost
This was a shitty Cote fic. In places where you're supposed to use your brain, this MC, or should I say the author, didn't use it. Class B, who were doing just fine for the next month, in this fic, spent half of their points just to get shitty information that you could get from upperclassmen for cheaper? Don't even start with how everyone in this class is just brain-dead and gave half of their points based on suspicion of people they knew for less than a day? This is shit
this is so shit, when class B can just doing fine without that information in canon. how tf they willingly just gave half of their money just for that shity information from upperclassment. in the next month smart people can just deduct it by how they got their money. what a dissapointmen
Pokemon are exceptionally powerful than others, even if they are of the same species? are you even know pokemon series bro? there's a thing called iv and ev duh