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yes a very good thing everyone approves it
Yes this is the thing. A Superman that doesn't hold back is strong ridiculously so in that respective Universe
Well if it was the Silver age Superman or the Golden Superman or the Superman that broke through the edge of Infinity then its going to be just a one sided massacare but this one no
The first thing I am gling to do after going to worlds like thay is give existenceal crisis to chara ters like that then I will have the same existencial crisis like them but I will give them this first
ok. i dont really check out old comics before 2000 comics cuz I dont really like them there maybe some good ones out there but the ones I found were kind of trash so don't know about those
Welp bye bye everyone u ain't handling TOM
Yes same thought. I mean they do look like that
Really. Don't know about it. I stared reading comics from 2000 so don't know about anything before that
Well he doesn'tknow about Against Heavens Understanding Talent so he can't judge much but anyone can know that this talent is broken and if this was a game then it should be considered either as a bug or something only the games creator should have but not even be can use it freelyI mean the talent is just screaming I am broken
Man its a CN power level don't try it unless u want to lose some of ur brain cell my guy