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That isn’t quite true either, water only covers 70% of Earth’s surface and does not reach into its core. The volume of Mars is about 122 times higher than the volume of water on Earth. Even the Moon has 16 times more volume.
Sounds interesting
Why, just why?
When Robin was first introduced I thought of Deathclaw as in the Karl Franz Griffin Mount from Warhammer Fantasy. Now I really think it would have fit way better.
No problem, I like looking for these logical leaps. I think it helps training my ability to keep track of multiple strings of logic and hope it helps others at the same time.
How does that fit with the Brynhildr in the sword?
Yes,if you do it right you need way less men to do it, especially if you have a harbour and the one attacking has no ships to blockade it.
Dangerous promises
He should have expected it still, he lived with him for all that time.
Did I miss something, was there another timeskip? That would only make sense after the events of the hobbit storyline.