

2022-12-09 Se unióGlobal



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Chasing Olivia.

Olivia Parker is an ordinary twenty-four year old girl with absolutely no ties to the underworld, the mafia but little did she know about the deal her father had made with the devil. Ginger head, freckled-face and oceanic blue orbs was how people saw her but there was so much underneath it. Those eyes led onto very little but look deeper and find the true Olivia Parker. Oh yes, she is a businesswoman and a part-time investigative journalist. Alessandro Valentini was what the common people call, The Mafia. The King. The Death. But was he just that? He commanded respect, he was the king in any room he walked into and most certainly was synonymous to fear. But most of all, he was a man of his word. A true Valentini. A word is what that got Olivia Parker and Alessandro Valentini together but how far will they go? Valentini may be the Mafia King but Parker was not a pushover and most certainly was not to be tamed, for all, no one can tame a lioness. ^^^^^^^^ " You will obey me mio amore." " Oh you can dream on because that is never going to happen." Olivia announced to the king and no one talks to the king like that. " Do you know the consequences of your actions Piccola?" He asked, his voice ice-cold as he took a step forward. " Only if I were afraid. If only." She mocked, her temper rising as she rolled her eyes and walked out on the Mafia King. Another thing no can could dare to do before her but then again, who's best to keep the King in check if not his Queen?

thegirlnextdoor27 · Ciudad
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