

2022-10-28 Se unióGlobal



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"YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS THERE IS NO WAY I CAN MARRY DILLON HE'S SHARON'S FIANCE I CAN'T DO IT I'LL BE BETRAYING MY SISTER" Rhoda shouted as her eyes filled with tears "YOUR TALKING ABOUT BETRAYAL LOOK AT WHAT SHARON DID TO US SHE'S GETTING MARRIED TOMORROW AND SHE IS FUCKING HER PERSONAL GAURD , RHODA OPEN YOUR EYES SHE DOESN'T CARE ABOUT THE KINGDOM THANKS TO HER OUR KINGDOM IS GOING TO BE DESTROYED ONCE THE MASSES HEAR OF THIS!" Alisha points at Sharon with anger and hatred filled in her eyes for her daughter "Rhoda I strongly advise you take this request it's the only way we can save our kingdom do it at least for me my dear daughter" king Roland held Rhoda's hand as he looked at her hoping she'll see a reason to agree to this marriage "No" Rhoda went to Felix who was sitting next to her brother ROWEN "Your majesty please there has to be another way can't you help us in another way please" Rhoda knelt down as she begged she cried her state was pitiful "It's either this or nothing at all you should even be greatful that we still want to continue with this contract marriage Felix said with a cold deep scary voice that made everyone tremble in fear Rhoda couldn't do it To marry a man that many fear, a man that she never wanted to have anything to do with at the age of 17 he was too cold, scary, evil, devilish, intimidating and dominate for her only the thought of getting married alone made Rhoda dizzy and lightheaded she ran out to the balcony to get fresh air she breathed heavyily as she tried to make sense to what is happening hoping it was all a bad dream or just a simple misunderstanding she pinched her to see if it's a dream "it's real I have dreams everything I ever planned on doing it's over" Rhoda sat on the bare ground as she cried Amelia and Rowen slowly walked towards Rhoda Rhoda I know this wasn't our original arrangements but now after what Sharon has done it's the only way I know how much you love our kingdom think of the children, the old people your friends Now the fate of the Relish is in your hands everyone is counting on you Rowen said with tears in his eyes thinking of the citizens of Relish and the huge situation that Sharon has put them all in Amelia held Rhoda's face as she looked into her eyes and says "Just marry my son Dillon if you do this act you will be saving milliqons of lives and generations" that hit Rhoda hard but it looked like she wasn't hearing anything Rowen and Amelia looked at each other as they slowly went inside back in the throne room Dillon sat carelessly on the single chair as soon he saw he Saw Rowen and Amelia he said in a cold deep voice "As a friend Rowen I've tried my best you know I accepted this shit because of you as a friend I won't part of any war or help any kingdom or country that comes to fight but I won't help This kingdom of Relish" Sharon who had her head down couldn't help but to smile she never cared about to kingdom all she cared about was to get married to Dillon but it's not possible and if she is going down then everyone and everything will go down as well and she was beyond happy that there's no way her sister will agree to this marriage because after brainwashing Rhoda it will be as if she is stealing Dillon away from her and Rhoda will do anything for her sister Suddenly The huge double door's opened and Rhoda walked in she stood in the middle of the room and she tried to be bold as she said "I'll go through with the marriage"

Tsemaye_Arubayi · Derivados de obras
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