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Small changes? You made the story more dark, added another main villain, made Harry and his friends explore old ruins and stuff like that, made Harry smarter, gave backstories to every magical race and stuff like that It ruins the flow of the story for me, I could understand small changes, but you made him write a new story with Harry Potter as a reference, and not just made up for obvious plot holes. But one of the reasons J.K didn’t do that was because if could easily become a messy book and oversaturated with info, much harder to keep a decent passing if the author has to juggle a lot and it can get confusing for a casual reader to keep track of important plot points. You made the MC as humble as possible? He said “I’m going to give you a best seller for the next 10 years” and first chapter he just took it for granted his friend helped him with the acting job. First time we saw the female lead she walked into a business meeting without shoes and socks, and you would probably argue that she slept there, but she still walked around in a professional work environment like that. And that isn’t “a little quirky” that is distracting and unprofessional
Dropped at Chapter 7 all reaction, Nothing with taking the story forward. Wasn’t a fan of making Harry Potter a completely different book either, completely changed the target group of the novel by making it darker, a lot of children loved it growing of but the mc choose a smaller audience too satisfy a small group of fans MC is fine but annoying, has a giant ego and just feels unpleasant. The “it was exactly 1 min and something something since of left bla bla bla” is weird Female lead is too annoying, “I’m dark and cool so I don’t want to read light hearted novels” even when they can have the biggest audience.
Hail Hydra
You can see that from the inside? Even when One Piece takes its designs from the real world
Synopsis should scare anyone with a functional brain away
Comfusing, wrong timeline sometimes, bad grammer and hard to follow
Not a normal name 😉 he was one of the forefathers of stoicism and had a unique outlook on life. One of the 5 good emperors aswell before the empire went into decline. If you want to know more about his philosophy you can watch a guy named horses on YouTube he made a good video about him
Homie doesn’t know what a pyramid scheme is
Tone the edginess down a bit