


“Mankind was not absolutely alone among the conscious things of earth, for shapes came out of the dark to visit the faithful few.” H. P. Lovecraft

2022-08-26 Se unióGlobal



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  • Naphulae
    respondió a SirWinsALot

    Thanks for the feedback, and I'm sorry if the number of characters has dampened your experience. As for the celebration, don't forget that they're now comrades sponsored by the same occult order. Should they brave the Iudicium, they'll do it as allies; naturally, they'd try to be closer to each other. I'll consider all of this for the next arc, so stay tuned!

    Ch 183 Interlude
    The Forsaken Sovereign
    Fantasía · Naphulae
  • Naphulae
    respondió a Emery_Vaudroque

    Thank you very much. I'm glad that you like it!

    The Forsaken Sovereign
    Fantasía · Naphulae
  • Naphulae
    respondió a SirWinsALot

    I'm glad that you're liking this novel. The pacing should accelerate very soon as we focus back mostly on Meilyr, but the whole story is planned for a lot of chapters anyway. As for the schedule, I'm still working it out for now, so there's nothing fixed yet. Thank you for the input!

    Ch 180 Shadow-grown Favors
    The Forsaken Sovereign
    Fantasía · Naphulae
  • Naphulae
    respondió a Jay_3

    There's no filler in this book.

    Ch 22 Gardens of Hedone
    The Forsaken Sovereign
    Fantasía · Naphulae
  • Naphulae
    respondió a Lucinda_Hacker

    It is.

    "Thy expression is one I recall well," one of the eels said. "A grin in the visage of death, a chuckle in the visage of fate—no matter the era, a spawn of the soil always endues chaos to its cradle."
    The Forsaken Sovereign
    Fantasía · Naphulae
  • Naphulae
    respondió a Lucinda_Hacker

    The editor I never had. I'm reading all of your comments by the way, so thank you very much!

    Este párrafo ha sido eliminado.
    The Forsaken Sovereign
    Fantasía · Naphulae
  • Naphulae
    respondió a Eric_Fanguy

    Nope. It's indeed Phaedro who says it.

    "It's over," Phaedro declared, sighing in relief.
    The Forsaken Sovereign
    Fantasía · Naphulae
  • Naphulae
    respondió a HaracasAye

    There's been a confusion, maybe. Shadows aren't "dark memories," but they're corrupted, non-sentient (unless awakened) lifeforms that basically live in another plane of existence. You can liken them to doppelgängers experiencing the physical world through their owners' senses. Even if you alter an individual's memories, it won't affect their shadow, especially if you aren't aware of it.

    Ch 22 Gardens of Hedone
    The Forsaken Sovereign
    Fantasía · Naphulae
  • Naphulae
    respondió a HaracasAye

    Remember that Iphiclus isn't a magus. The Vile Ichor hangs above him as a constant danger should he mention the wrong thing, even if he isn't aware of the reason. Unlike magi, he can't defend himself against such a backlash, so you can see it as simple cautiousness. I can't explain further without delving into spoiler territory, so trust me and keep reading. :)

    Ch 20 Interrogation
    The Forsaken Sovereign
    Fantasía · Naphulae
  • Naphulae
    respondió a Darkgnomeox

    Thank you for the input, and sorry that my writing has given you this impression. I think it's a matter of finding a balance between immersive description and non-drawn-out action while introducing a whole new cast, which I'm in the midst of experimenting with. I do believe, however, that it's going to get "better" soon so enjoy the read and expect the best!

    Ch 165 Vincentius Celaeno
    The Forsaken Sovereign
    Fantasía · Naphulae
  • Naphulae
    respondió a TheCalm_One

    Children drank alcohol (although in very moderate doses) for most of human history. Restricting their access to it until a certain age is a relatively recent phenomenon.

    His first impression was that it was plain. Gastronomy wasn't that developed in Hierapetra, and they greatly valued austerity, despite their opulent architecture. The dinner meal comprised boiled quail eggs, grilled fish with legumes and olives, some type of round bread, and cheese. There was also a tray of fruits, mainly figs, raisins, and pomegranates, as well as a half-filled cup of wine.
    The Forsaken Sovereign
    Fantasía · Naphulae
  • Naphulae
    respondió a Myth_Reader

    Yes, in reference to Adonaios, Hierapetra's Hallowed Sovereign.

    His caretakers were two beautiful girls in their late teenage years called Aspasia and Charis. Through his fragmented memory, he remembered them being Adonal Virgins that usually served Hierapetra's Hallowed Sovereign.
    The Forsaken Sovereign
    Fantasía · Naphulae
  • Naphulae
    respondió a Thespian

    Thank you very much for the gift!

    Ch 1 Nameless
    The Forsaken Sovereign
    Fantasía · Naphulae
  • Naphulae
    respondió a Mechlingjt

    Thank you very much!As for the repetition, it's done on purpose and is only used in this chapter due to the nature of the narrated story, which borders on a fairy tale.

    Ch 44 Threnody of Departure
    The Forsaken Sovereign
    Fantasía · Naphulae
  • Naphulae
    respondió a HollowStray

    La-em-no. "La" as in the music note, and "em" as in "m."

    "Yes, I am Laemno." Laemno reaffirmed himself once again and felt the fog in his mind gradually disappear, finally allowing him to think rationally.
    The Forsaken Sovereign
    Fantasía · Naphulae
  • Naphulae
    respondió a Trevor_Mihalik

    Thank you very much for the gift!

    Ch 166 Pedigreed Daughter
    The Forsaken Sovereign
    Fantasía · Naphulae
  • Naphulae
    respondió a Bter

    It was deleted again, unfortunately. There is an issue with the platform. Yours isn't the only review that keeps disappearing like this.

    The Forsaken Sovereign
    Fantasía · Naphulae
  • Naphulae
    respondió a Bter

    Thank you very much! I just stumbled on your review, as it seems to have disappeared from display. Apparently, Webnovel is working on an issue where reviews that exceed 150 characters are automatically deleted. You can shorten and post yours again if you want, as I'd very much like to pin it!

    The Forsaken Sovereign
    Fantasía · Naphulae
  • Naphulae
    respondió a Bter

    Thank you very much. This is, to me, the greatest compliment an author can receive. I'll strive to keep the same quality for your enjoyment.

    Meilyr unleashed a destructive beam of grayscale lights, unwilling to waste his breath on an answer. It razed the soil and spread towards his enemies akin to an all-encompassing darkness, ready to stifle their lives with the Sea of Malice's scorching kiss. 
    The Forsaken Sovereign
    Fantasía · Naphulae
  • Naphulae
    respondió a laylag145

    Gessius is a natural born Sethian, so that rule doesn't really apply to him. And even if he were a status imminens, he became a Soulbound after the start of the Electus Minor, meaning he'd need to succeed by himself anyway.

    Golden Gate: Dona Voiles, Sethre Zixu, Meilyr, and his Soulbound, Gal;
    The Forsaken Sovereign
    Fantasía · Naphulae