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The Eternal Vampire

Steven and his girlfriend were walking home one night--and before they reach his dorm they are brutally attacked. He is sure that he is dying, for their attackers left them for dead. Now as he waits to die someone appears before him and asks if he wants to live. Tristan saved his life; Tristan is a vampire. Tristan is over two thousand years old. He has seen life and death come and go. He takes pity on the 20-year-old Steven and takes pity on him and saves him in the only way he can--he turns him into a vampire and admits him into his world. Now Steven has discovered the world of Tristan and Vampires But Steven will find out that Tristan and his brothers are not the only vampires. There is a city beneath a city in Seattle--it's the "original" city, the foundation that was left behind by the great fire that burned the city in 1889. And there's one who takes an interest in him and is eager to help him when Tristan's lover Isolde is threatened by Rainer who has sworn revenge on Tristan. A rogue vampire is a vampire who kills his own kind. He is shunned forever from the covens and will not be accepted into a family, unless have not heard of him, or do not care. A rogue vampire is cursed to forever live alone. Rainer is a rogue, he has killed his own kind and therefore is not welcome in any vampire family. He has revealed the secret of Steven's existence to the underground family hoping they will take him in, but he's shunned and he's more determined than ever to kill Tristan--and will kill Isolde to get to him. Fabi, Claude, and Steven will do anything to stop him, but what if it means their own lives?

Marty_Kate · Horror
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7 Chs