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tftc 💯
? what happened? i think something went wrong here
nice chapter
Who is this guy? There's bene a 180° in his character, if he want more than 1 girl at least do it with toru surrendering in bed, most important tho is being a genuin good person. Sure having all that power can "corrupt" yourself but not that fast.
This is one of the best FF i have read in a while, plus the chapter are long enough to be satisfying, i hope you don't drop it and maintain the same update stability.
tftc 💯
i can't feel the "impact" of the more than 2k years of memory, sure raizel is basically an hikkikomori but still It should change him pretty badly
Black Bullet, let her save some lolis, and kill every gastrea and human in the planet, i mean she get more powerfull with every kill so it's perfect, PLUS you get to save some loli