Othinus in tensura
Othinus, the powerful and mysterious magic god from the world of Toaru Majutsu no Index, suddenly finds herself transported to another world. As she explores this new world, she comes across a strange creature that introduces himself as Rimuru Tempest, the ruler of the Jura Tempest Federation.
Initially cautious and wary of each other, Othinus and Rimuru soon strike up an alliance when they discover that both their worlds are in danger. Othinus explains that her world is being threatened by a powerful enemy that seeks to destroy everything, while Rimuru tells her about the growing threat of the Demon Lords in his world.
Together, Othinus and Rimuru embark on a journey to save both their worlds from destruction. As they travel, they encounter various challenges and obstacles, but their combined strength and intelligence prove to be a formidable force.
Along the way, Othinus and Rimuru develop a deep respect and understanding for each other, despite their vastly different backgrounds. They learn that sometimes, even the most unlikely of allies can come together to achieve great things.
Artoriapendraragon · Anime y Cómics
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