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Kinda interesting and nice ability of mc. 😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇
Just use scavenger to make money
Since its a clan with a eye technique maybe he gets and uchia as a nen beast
I bet in her mindscape he already did more then that
I would love for him to get acnologia as the next nen beast since you mentioned fairy tail so often
And basically instand nen regeneration
Cap he is forming his mana core by absorbing all elements since he cant yet distinguish between them
There is no limited to how many nen abilities one can create it heavily depends on the talent of said person. Most people rather focus to getting one ability as strong as possible like netero rather then like the guy which hisoka killed in heavens arena creating different abilities which doesnt even belong to your best category and creating therefore a weak ability
He should've choosen to life at the castle and get big money from the mage
I mean teleportation irrelevant of distance intangebility and a own dimension are enough abilities. Also if the authorr didnt create a little rift between familie and mc the dimension could be of huge use for the familie