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That’s just lame wasnt even the same story other author is a L
I’m enjoying this fic so far it doesn’t take the boring hiding power and identity path the cn fics like to do the mc is always fighting strong opponents
Now the author made up one too many things so this kinda seems like nonsense it’s been like 5 plot convenient things in a row
Not bad as far as I read but it’s a chat group story so I’m not interested
Slight difference orochimaru doesn’t enjoy torture and killing with out reason so he’s even scarier
Good uchiha villain story so far his goal seems less about world peace and unification and more about dominating it which I’m all here for.
I put that at like chapter 70 this site is not the best at tracking that
👍👍👍👍 .
Zetsu got no heart
This is actually just good the grammer messes up he/she’s some times but besides that it’s a good story