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Magik for both favorite character and who i play. Hot, tragic backstory, badass af, sorta marvels version of doom guy lol
Same, but sometimes there are no reviews that talk about it. The PTSD from going in blind is real lol
Kinda sounds like you are wanting/expecting Anti-Hero MCs when you are reading a Villain story...
It definitely bugged out. Sorry for the spoilers. But as someone who avoids Neotare like it's the plague, spoilers are pretty much a lifeline in that regard. Guess I could have worded the reply better.
idk if you dropped or continued but Sarah is Amanda's older sister
idk if you dropped or continued but Sarah is Amanda's older sister
idk if you dropped or continued but Sarah is Amanda's older sister.
idk if you dropped or got your answer already, but Amanda and Sarah are not the same. Sarah is actually Amanda's older sister
Chapter 162 and Amanda is still with the Protag and in the MCs words "Amanda and the Protag seem closer as of late"
he made a fire on top of a tree.......