


Just an average writer. Really. Don't believe me? Read my fics.

2022-04-06 Se unióGlobal



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  • MidWinterSnow
    respondió a klein_kagune

    Wise words.....talking from experience I see....

    But when it came to aspects like Fate, Luck, Destiny, and Reality, he found himself at a loss. Merely wishing for these intangible ideas wouldn't make them materialize. He couldn't alter someone's destiny by simply imagining a nebulous cloud of nothingness. His innate technique, as powerful as it was, wasn't omnipotent.
    [DXDxJJK] - The Father of Devils
    Cómic · MidWinterSnow
  • MidWinterSnow
    respondió a MacKenzie_50943


    Do tell your thoughts on them ;)
    [DXDxJJK] - The Father of Devils
    Cómic · MidWinterSnow
  • MidWinterSnow
    respondió a ChaosV

    Nah. I not being humble here, but this novel is my attempt at learning how to be a writer. I was bored with the majority of the stories on this platform, so I wanted to write a story to satisfy myself. The idea behind this story, the plots for the future, the climax, the ending; I can assure you everything is S tier. BUT, my execution left me gravely unsatisfied with this novel. Believe me, I am very excited to show you all what's in store next, but I am soo frustrated that I cannot execute it exactly as I imagined, due to the lack of skills. Sorry, I am just ranting. But yes, one day I hope to create my own magnum opus. And thanks for the support so far :)))

    'This is something different about him...', The silver-haired woman observed August's departure as an unusual silver glint flashed in her lilac orbs.
    [DXDxJJK] - The Father of Devils
    Cómic · MidWinterSnow
  • MidWinterSnow
    Comentado por
    [Image Here]
    [DXDxJJK] - The Father of Devils
    Cómic · MidWinterSnow
  • MidWinterSnow
    respondió a ChaosV

    It is written as 'Pale Blue' on Wiki, but ig my eyes aren't strong enough to see that 'PALE' blue. All I see is silver. Even her generated images for the book have Silver hair. Just treat it as AU if you would.🤷‍♂️

    'This is something different about him...', The silver-haired woman observed August's departure as an unusual silver glint flashed in her lilac orbs.
    [DXDxJJK] - The Father of Devils
    Cómic · MidWinterSnow
  • MidWinterSnow
    respondió a TheMudkipHomie

    Yes, they are AI-gen! I custom-generate 80% of these pics to fit them in my vision of the characters, so they are more of a 1-of-1. Except for a few. Take the cover of the book for example - It took me 2 days to finally generate a pic of Gojo in a Tarot card!

    Phew! Just finished another set of illustrations. Remember when I said I was only gonna draw the important characters? Well, some people got the wrong idea and thought they were all gonna be in Augustus's harem.
    [DXDxJJK] - The Father of Devils
    Cómic · MidWinterSnow
  • MidWinterSnow
    respondió a DaoistHRiAgC

    I have also taken the opportunity to take a bit AU-ish approach on this matter, so you guys definitely won't be disappointed :)))

    Ch 43 Chapter 42: Proposal (2)
    [DXDxJJK] - The Father of Devils
    Cómic · MidWinterSnow
  • MidWinterSnow
    respondió a DaoistHRiAgC

    Nahh bro. Jujutushis are literally called 'sorcerers.' There is a lot more to them than 'just fighting'. Well, everything will be gradually explained, so stay tuned.....

    Ch 43 Chapter 42: Proposal (2)
    [DXDxJJK] - The Father of Devils
    Cómic · MidWinterSnow
  • MidWinterSnow
    respondió a Doge_Protagonist

    I mean if you have read LoTM, you can guess where this is going.....

    Ch 17 Chapter 17: Aurora
    [DXDxJJK] - The Father of Devils
    Cómic · MidWinterSnow
  • MidWinterSnow
    respondió a Rzxs

    No comments 🤷‍♂️ Btw, thanks for correcting the mistake with your other comment. Webnovel deletes comments when the author edits a para, so.......

    Till then, take care, my love.]
    [DXDxJJK] - The Father of Devils
    Cómic · MidWinterSnow
  • MidWinterSnow
    respondió a Lazren_Inkheart

    Thanks for the review :) As I always said, I am a new writer and any kind of criticism helps! However, I would like to address and elaborate on a small portion of your review. 'The Canon' You see, I have the overall structure of the story planned in my head, including but not limited to the starting, the overall progression, and the ending. And I make up the finer details as I go on. But please note that it was always my intention to add the canon. I won't spoil how things will go from here on. And If I cut short the first 20-ish chapters, a lot of plot holes would been created as a result, thus affecting the world-building. But, yes, I would have loved to keep it short if possible, but blame that on the lack of my skills. But I am improving as I write, so don't worry, the story will get better as chapters go by (Or so I hope) Personally, I am MILES away from creating a mind-boggling story like Cuttlefish-sensei, but I would love to pleasantly surprise you guys with a well-thought-out and well-written plot. Again, Thank you for your review.

    [DXDxJJK] - The Father of Devils
    Cómic · MidWinterSnow
  • MidWinterSnow
    Comentado por
    [Image Here]
    [DXDxJJK] - The Father of Devils
    Cómic · MidWinterSnow
  • MidWinterSnow
    respondió a D3AD3CHO

    Sheesh man! You are hurting their feeling!!

    Ch 35 Chapter 34: Ramen and Politics (1)
    [DXDxJJK] - The Father of Devils
    Cómic · MidWinterSnow
  • MidWinterSnow
    respondió a Swatdude64

    Yuji finally had his MC glow-up.

    Ch 28 Chapter 27: Teachers and Classroom
    [DXDxJJK] - The Father of Devils
    Cómic · MidWinterSnow
  • MidWinterSnow
    respondió a ExoticSenta

    Yes finally someone who gets that!!! But you are forgetting the major time skip in between. In a world where erasing mountains with a flick is possible, translating language would be pretty easy magic dare I say.

    With that, the classroom burst into an excited chatter, the students' faces lighting up with curiosity and anticipation. Some were waving their hands in the air, trying to get the new teacher's attention, while others were shouting in their seats with excitement.
    [DXDxJJK] - The Father of Devils
    Cómic · MidWinterSnow
  • MidWinterSnow
    respondió a ExoticSenta

    You realise he has imagination casting right?

    With that, the classroom burst into an excited chatter, the students' faces lighting up with curiosity and anticipation. Some were waving their hands in the air, trying to get the new teacher's attention, while others were shouting in their seats with excitement.
    [DXDxJJK] - The Father of Devils
    Cómic · MidWinterSnow
  • MidWinterSnow
    respondió a DaoistHRiAgC

    That's his title. Unless he gets an official promotion, Augustus IS a Low class devil

    [Title- Low-Class Devil, The Chosen One, The Tarot Killer, The Heart Hunter]
    [DXDxJJK] - The Father of Devils
    Cómic · MidWinterSnow
  • MidWinterSnow
    respondió a JONTY_

    Okay, I'll spoil. The ring and his innate technique. Both of their combined effects can easily change a person's magic signature, which is akin to a radio frequency.

    Ch 29 Chapter 28: Zero
    [DXDxJJK] - The Father of Devils
    Cómic · MidWinterSnow
  • MidWinterSnow
    respondió a Pikune

    depends on what you think it is. 👀

    He meticulously went to every single person and altered their memories to ensure that there was never a trace of manually creating August Blackwood.
    [DXDxJJK] - The Father of Devils
    Cómic · MidWinterSnow
  • MidWinterSnow
    Publicado por

    The first thing I would like to say - Give me your typing skills!!! Man, I can't really type beyond a chapter or two in a day and you posted 40 chapters in 9 days?! You kidding me?! Anyways, coming to the book itself- It's great! The idea, the vision; everything comes together really well. That being said, the only thing I would suggest is to get a grammatical editing tool like Grammarly. Since you translate from Brazilian Portuguese, the translator can botch up sometimes. But all in all, it's a pretty solid book. If you guys are hesitating, don't. This is a novel with real thought behind it. The author has improved tremendously in the latest chapter, so it will be an enjoyable experience. Good luck :)

    Traveling through horror cinema, start with Supernatural.
    Película · MRCAT66