


Searching for the 'lost soul' in the depths of bushes...

2022-03-23 Se unióGlobal



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  • EmberBlood
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    owowowoowowowkwowowkwkwkwkwkwkskskwoowiehdidhsidhsis7w8woeyeixbsjsosjsoejjeke! !! !! ! 45 chapters !! !! !! kudos to the Author-san

    Ch 45 Chapter 39: Choices of 420
    LoL World
    Fantasía · JH_Ayon
  • EmberBlood
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    Certainly, this chapter by far is the most emotional and impactful just like the chapter titles suggests.. a mother's unbiased and unconditional love 💕

    Ch 1 A Mother's Love And Sacrifice
    LoL World
    Fantasía · JH_Ayon
  • EmberBlood
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    that's cruel man!!

    Slowly from a human body, there was only blood red liquid and a red layer, quite possibly made of the flesh and bones.
    LoL World
    Fantasía · JH_Ayon
  • EmberBlood
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    woo... that's insane.

    The old man's face had a huge ring of astonishment. He kept looking at those two children which had miraculously merged into one child and then had again turned into two.
    LoL World
    Fantasía · JH_Ayon
  • EmberBlood
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    nope.. I take that back. She's a good woman and a great mother 🤍

    With a smile, the mother left the world.
    LoL World
    Fantasía · JH_Ayon
  • EmberBlood
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    women *sips*

    Because that strike had also gone through the person who arrived from the back to kill the black enemy. And that strike had actually slit this person's throat. Seeing the face of the person, the mother was shocked. It was actually her husband. Her sword had just slit through her husband's throat!
    LoL World
    Fantasía · JH_Ayon
  • EmberBlood
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    could've been better if it was written in two or more chapters woth more descriptions and emotional part

    Ch 1 Tragedy At The Eve Of Happiness
    LoL World
    Fantasía · JH_Ayon
  • EmberBlood
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    It too vague.. didn't give any emotional damage. maybe you should've written a whole chapter for it

    2 days later in her escape route, she was intercepted because of the servant's betrayal. It was unbelievable, but her servant had betrayed her and handed one child that the servant was carrying to the enemy. Now she was all alone and was carrying only one child, the elder son. The younger son, her own child, had been given to the enemy. It was heart breaking, but she could only accept and move on for the safety of her other son.
    LoL World
    Fantasía · JH_Ayon
  • EmberBlood
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    At this point I don't even know when this is

    Este párrafo ha sido eliminado.
    LoL World
    Fantasía · JH_Ayon
  • EmberBlood
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    The first section was great. This chapter did not wronged the word 'Miracle'

    Ch 1 The Child Born Of Starlight
    LoL World
    Fantasía · JH_Ayon
  • EmberBlood
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    um... too much time change. it made me confused

    Ch 1 To A Known Yet Unknown Destination
    LoL World
    Fantasía · JH_Ayon
  • EmberBlood
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    Gwindolin.. my boi

    Its rest of the body could not be seen by Chronos and most of the races that had seen it had only seen its face. As for the rest of its body, there were some legends that said it had four legs, some that said it had a snake like structure, some said it had human legs. As for the truth? Who knows?
    LoL World
    Fantasía · JH_Ayon
  • EmberBlood
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    ok.. So this is related to his birth scene? Thousands transformation technique ?💪

    After he was done, he dived into the ocean with the flying mermaid's company. As he dived down his skin started to change, from human skin, dark silver scales started to appear in a streamlined pattern. His nosetrills became sharp and his lungs turned to gills. His legs came together and formed a fish tail just like a merman. His back protruded and a sharp fin appeared. Two other fins also appeared in both of his hands.
    LoL World
    Fantasía · JH_Ayon
  • EmberBlood
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    hehe... mermaid 🤏

    Suddenly a sweet and pleasant voice interrupted his sweet time alone. He looked at his left side from where the sound had come. It was a small flying person, around the size of an adult's hand. Closer look would reveal it was in fact not a human but a mermaid. It did not have legs in its lower body but a fish tail. But unlike a normal mermaid, it was very small and it was flying above the sea. It's transparent little wings fluttered at a terrifying speed causing them unable to be seen by naked eyes.
    LoL World
    Fantasía · JH_Ayon
  • EmberBlood
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    huh? again ?😑

    Este párrafo ha sido eliminado.
    LoL World
    Fantasía · JH_Ayon
  • EmberBlood
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    The baby opened its eyes wide at the snow white fishes. They created a wonderful spectacle, a great sight to behold. But soon the baby remembered that it was hungry and ignoring these wonderful scene it opened its mouth to cry. Right then one fish leaped up and then entered its mouth, and instantly dissolving mysteriously, filling its mouth with rich taste. 
    LoL World
    Fantasía · JH_Ayon
  • EmberBlood
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    a new kid?

    It looked up at the sky, beholding the entire stars in its large doe eyes. It had little patches of golden hair in its head. It's eyes however had a tinge of white and gold instead of the usual black found in normal humans. It's cheeks flushed red and had a healthy amount of baby fat. 
    LoL World
    Fantasía · JH_Ayon
  • EmberBlood
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    lol..a good toy for the little kid

    The light distorted and the shape of a giant elephant could be understood. The golden light then instantly distorted and turned into that of a dinosaur, and then into another creature with a long body like a snake but bigger and larger by any and all snake. 
    LoL World
    Fantasía · JH_Ayon
  • EmberBlood
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    ahh.. now I get it

    Este párrafo ha sido eliminado.
    LoL World
    Fantasía · JH_Ayon
  • EmberBlood
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    uhh? come again? so he basically he doesn't have a head or anything since his hair absorb every color fully... where's the science here!!

    Among the many people there was one boy wearing a pale shirt with a white jacket and grey pants. He seemed to be around fourteen years old, he had an above average looks, a medium and lean build. What was strange about this boy was his unusual black hair. His hair was so dark that no light was reflected from them. Usually, black hairs would be shiny and when light fell on them they would reflect the light. But this hair was pitch black. It seemed to absorb any light that fell onto it so that the outline of his hair and the hairstyle could not be figured out.
    LoL World
    Fantasía · JH_Ayon