


(\_/) (• •)🔫, (>❤️ \(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)/

2022-03-10 Se unióPhilippines

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  • vensu_764429
    vensu_7644292 years ago
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    Plz give us a Christmas bonus chapter

  • vensu_764429
    vensu_7644292 years ago
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    When will the next chapter be released?

  • vensu_764429
    vensu_7644292 years ago
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    Thank you for the chapter! q(≧▽≦q) And do your best in making this novel cuz i like it and plz release more chapters (≧∇≦)ノ. By the way do your best too in the competition(❁´◡`❁)

  • vensu_764429
    vensu_7644292 years ago
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    Promise to continue this novel pls 🙏. Its a nice novel and full of rollercoaster of emotions in the chapter where her subordinate killed mc and I got a little bit angry cuz she worked too hard and in her third life I am starting to accept that she got killed in her second life cuz now she got cozy home with happy family but it’s not and I pity the mc cuz it got destroyed by her friend that got consumed by someone due to eating the apple of death?, that killed her teacher/master, mother and father and the mad scientists that are kidnapping people and experimenting them and it make my heart broken but I wish the mad scientist that is torturing mc for a week got tortured non-stop for a year or for eternity, but I'm already happy that the mad scientist is dead. And I'm looking forward about the war between the gods and mc, how did mc get more subordinates and just me wondering how will mc raise the child of the (general?/acquaintance)that is in the academy (I forgot name of he academy in the east). Pls come back here and make novel pls 🙏

    Este capítulo ha sido eliminado.
  • vensu_764429
    vensu_7644292 years ago
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    The novel is nice and there is a roller coaster of emotions just for me. And I'm here to spoil the novel. 👇SPOILER ALERT👇 ... ... ... ... Makoto almost died in the fight with the dragon slayer and the dragon with smol human form. And got healed in asura. Got back in the academy and took the test and became a teacher with students below 10 (maybe five students). (I forgot to mention shiki became Makoto assistant of Makoto in academy) while Makoto and shiki is there Mio wanted to learn how to cook and by the time she wanted to learn how to cook dashi (cuz of Makoto's memory translating bank) she encountered the hero hibiki but she didn't know she is a hero the made a deal with her but after that she forgotten to mention hibiki to Makoto. a new student is in makoto's class, and forgot her name since it's a long time since I read it. (from what I remember her name lasts with frost and the first letter in her first name is k) anyways she got caught by Makoto cause from what Makoto sees she is a blue demon without horns, like a spy looking for Makoto in disguise because of the fight of the dragon slayer, the dragon and Makoto. So that new student the commander/vice commander of the demon army plans to find him and kill him so it would be easy to kill the two other heroes. Thankfully she didn't know Makoto is the one who fought the other two. In Makoto's mind is he has to help the heroes side (cuz the other nice God asked him to and made promise with him) and two choices help the demons side cuz he wanted to kill the goddess and to know about the place where Makoto parents live in this other world (he is basically wondering how did his parents got to earth if the bug goddess said it's just a one way, dangerous one in a million percent life taking trip. So he want to unravel the truth) but the connections of the good people/friends that he encountered will diminish and second choice is join heroes side cuz demons are bad and one of the heroes is hibiki the president of the archer club (but he thinks she will be nice to him later) but bug goddess will abuse Makoto. And the new student left and said to join forces with her and Makoto got a connection to her but not joined. Then there is a new dragon, the boss in the adventurers guild and have now connection with Makoto and wanted to love Makoto the dragon can transform itself into girl or boy and be reborn again but must have love with a human not hyuman (And me just thinking that Makoto is a human and Makoto thinks he is a human too cuz he is in earth before but I think it isn't right cuz Makoto's parents are hyumans so I got confused myself). And the academic festival is coming so he ask the demon spy with the disguised name (k____ frost)(I know I forgot her name 😓) to not cause a ambush or disaster while the festival is happening and she can do it after the festival and she said agreed. But before that happend there is a side story and I'm lazy to tell it so... [FLASH BACK] By the time Makoto is going to take a test to become a teacher the boy wanted to revenge Makoto for something and (its complicated to say) so the spy demon (k____ frost)(I know sorry I really forgot her name 😓) is disguised in another way with a dark hoodie and just imagine it's a creepy mage that uses dark magic, again that demon and the boy had an agreement that the boy wanted to be strong to take revenge to Makoto so the demon wants to help him and will be giving tablets (like medicine but not really medicine) that would make the boy strong if taken about a month or a few more said there is no side effect. [END OF FLASH BACK] First at the festival all is happy Makoto got the harem with him (tomoe, mio, and the new dragon but the baby tomoe is in asura) and his class won but his other two students lost and before the very last fight the boy ate a lot of pills and while in battle Makoto's class is almost winning but the boy who ate those pills is changing form and becoming strong then outside the arena or school there is gas and the people cannot use their skill to do telepathy cuz they weak and because of hidden cylinder shaped anti telepathy so Makoto and friend can only do it. Makoto evacuated the principal, the psycho in the inside princess and other people in the school place for evacuation and Makoto and tomoe just fooled those guys by making a portal and acting like the sword did it and said their blacksmith made the super rare and super super hard to make sword and it's can make people teleport one time. Tomoe evacuated other people including Makoto's students. Makoto used telepathy and asked the spy demon《Didn't we agreed that there will be no disaster while the festival is happening?!》And I know he felt like betrayed and he is choosing between the two choices a while ago and he hesitate and say to himself that save the heroes first since that is the request of the God that is good to him... No that's not what happened he didn't say {and he hesitate and say to himself that save the heroes first since that is the request of the God that is good to him} no it didn't happen first what happened first is the Bug goddess getting him again and (I forgot to mention to make it a little clear, before Makoto got surprised by spy demon Makoto asked shiki to be with him while going to his store to make his store and his friends safe but he made his store not safe but got the merchandise and made his two duo friends/subordinate who like to eat bananas to help tomoe protect the school by the way while going there Makoto fought with hyumans that got transformed into monster like the boy who ate pills but it’s like it got infected but different form of monster and got back the school and saw an half ice sphere surrounding the school got inside and the two duo reported to Makoto and Makoto got outside again then asked the spy demon then got caught by bug goddess with shiki). I know what is shiki's reaction it's rage because the bug goddess is a bully and ofcourse makoto is angry too then bug goddess and Makoto made a deal that Makoto will help the heroes and (I forgot what Makoto will get) then makoto and shiki teleported to where the dragon slayer and dragon with smol human body #without a leg 🦵 because of the lasts fight, shiki disguised in a form of a lich while Makoto...hmmm since he didn't bring the coat that became blue or red to hide his face there is a spare clothes that shiki always bring with him but when I read that the clothes are white and not in his style and would be 🙌AKWARD🙌 if someone in earth see him like this (really I felt bad for him using the clothes but he has no choice so that he can hide his identity and there is another reason why I felt bad for him because of that i'll tell you later). Shiki and Makoto saw Hibiki the hero and friends fighting 3 big people with four arms. Makoto then thought to himself regretting wearing the white suit and said to himself that《I must not let Hibiki my former president in archery in earth know my identity》. Makoto ordered shiki to make a barrier around hibiki and friends so that they can't escape and be safe. Shiki fought 2 big people with four arms while Makoto is fighting the boss of the 2 big four arm people. The boss used a rose stone that if it’s used life energy will be sucked by it and the users power will increase more but user is gonna die cuz the user doesn't know how to remove it. OK while the boss is using that he thinks in his mind that he is saying goodbye to his friend the spy demon but Makoto removed the rose stone then the boss got shocked and asked Makoto why?, then he said《i don't want to fight but needed to protect the heroes》Then the dragon slayer appeared and dragon with smol human body #without a leg 🦵 Makoto and the 2 enemy talked then they fought, shiki is fighting the dragon while Makoto is fighting the dragon slayer. the dragon slayer killed the boss of the 2 people with four arms, Makoto got shocked and asked why did she do that then (sorry I forgot the response of the dragon slayer) then she flew out of the window and said what will happen to the other hero (not hibiki), Makoto followed the dragon slayer as fast as he could while hibiki asked shiki to let them out of the barrier and said we could fight then shiki replied that《it's Waka-sama's order (waka - makoto, calling waka in order not to know identity) so that you can be safe and must not escape. And look at your friend he's wounded do you think he could fight with you. And if you want to get out of the barrier do it yourself, you couldn't even make a scratch out of the barrier》something like that. Then Hibiki became quiet. After a few minutes hibiki always said to shiki that《look at your master he is having a hard time dealing with the enemy help him》while shiki is fighting with the dragon in human form with one leg. Shiki told hibiki that《Waka-sama ordered me to stay here to protect you 》After a few minutes Shiki did a overpowered spell and defeated the dragon. Still shiki stayed and guarded hibiki and friends... The dragon of the other heroe's friend (or should I say the dragon of one of the other heroe's harems), got almost killed by the time Makoto arrived the other heroes friends/harem is in their limit (in fighting ofcourse, with the dragon slayer what other things would you expect it to be😂) then the fight of the dragon slayer and Makoto began again... (This is just the part where I stopped reading it) TO BE CONTINUED 😂😂😂

  • vensu_764429
    vensu_7644293 years ago
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    definitely like rimuru by the time where there is a prc lord rimuru ate the orc lord 🤣🤣🤣