

2022-02-28 Se unióGlobal

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  • Kenzaki32
    respondió a DaoOfPlow

    no I Get that's what you meant but that pic I Am sure is the character in bleach looks at the chain and search yup the character.

    Princess Gwynevere (mmmmm)
    Percy Jackson: the dark souls survivor
    Derivados de juegos · Scathach_
  • Kenzaki32
    respondió a DaoOfPlow

    Rangiku Matsumoto from bleach

    Princess Gwynevere (mmmmm)
    Percy Jackson: the dark souls survivor
    Derivados de juegos · Scathach_
  • Kenzaki32
    respondió a Bryan_Kross

    UQ Holder!

    He looked at the spot he had been standing on and could see that the floor had cracked where his left foot had been. That was something he would have to fix. He could not afford the technique to break the ground whenever he used it.
    Harry Potter: Ode To Nothingness
    Derivados de obras · dukeofvirtue
  • Kenzaki32
    respondió a

    UQ Holder!

    He looked at the spot he had been standing on and could see that the floor had cracked where his left foot had been. That was something he would have to fix. He could not afford the technique to break the ground whenever he used it.
    Harry Potter: Ode To Nothingness
    Derivados de obras · dukeofvirtue
  • Kenzaki32
    Comentado por
    Greed was, after all, the greatest reason for mortals to meet it in the first place and so it would do what it did best. It would wait, watch and scheme to safeguard Death.
    Harry Potter: Ode To Nothingness
    Derivados de obras · dukeofvirtue
  • Kenzaki32
    Comentado por

    bro could have Powerful Animagus.

    The effect of the spell was felt immediately by Nathan when his guardian spirit erupted from the tip of his wand. The massive polar bear that was his spirit guardian stood still as Nathan pointed his wand at it.
    Harry Potter: Ode To Nothingness
    Derivados de obras · dukeofvirtue
  • Kenzaki32
    Comentado por

    bro almost joined the dark side.

    Nathan sighed. This is what had stopped him from testing his new super awesome light sword.
    Harry Potter: Ode To Nothingness
    Derivados de obras · dukeofvirtue
  • Kenzaki32
    Comentado por
    However, his perspective has evolved over time. People like Maria now appeared more reasonable to him, especially when he reflected on his desperate pleas as he bled out, wishing not to die. Those last few words, 'Mum, I don't want to die,' that he had been repeating as he clawed at his bleeding neck as he looked at his parents still haunted him, even after twelve years of living.
    Harry Potter: Ode To Nothingness
    Derivados de obras · dukeofvirtue
  • Kenzaki32
    Comentado por
    [A|N: Yes he performed a flash step and I can't for the life of me like apparition as a combat technique. The way Harry described it in the books was enough for me to realize that Apparition while very practical for transportation, just isn't worth it in a fight.]
    Harry Potter: Ode To Nothingness
    Derivados de obras · dukeofvirtue
  • Kenzaki32
    Comentado por
    He looked at the spot he had been standing on and could see that the floor had cracked where his left foot had been. That was something he would have to fix. He could not afford the technique to break the ground whenever he used it.
    Harry Potter: Ode To Nothingness
    Derivados de obras · dukeofvirtue
  • Kenzaki32
    Comentado por
    Nathan knew that and thus he pictured what he wanted to do in his mind clearly. Nathan wanted the next step that he took to become equal to him taking ten steps. Nathan wanted to cover the distance of ten steps in a single one. Nathan pictured the path he would take and the time he would spend on that path clearly. And he finally pictured how there would be almost zero strain on his body from the rapid acceleration and retardation.
    Harry Potter: Ode To Nothingness
    Derivados de obras · dukeofvirtue
  • Kenzaki32
    Comentado por
    And while Nathan found Apparition interesting and useful as a magical spell, he did not find it comfortable. He did not know it himself but side-along apparition was very discombobulating and Nathan did not like the idea of using something like it in combat, no matter how cool the spell looked when used in a duel. So having finished with his lightsaber project, Nathan decided to look into magical movement techniques and methods. Suffice it to say that he was not pleased by it.
    Harry Potter: Ode To Nothingness
    Derivados de obras · dukeofvirtue
  • Kenzaki32
    Comentado por
    [AN: Nathan is suffering from the late-night motivation syndrome]
    Harry Potter: Ode To Nothingness
    Derivados de obras · dukeofvirtue
  • Kenzaki32
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    The whole idea not only became feasible with space magic but became rather simple with it. Nathan, however, seeing that the magical project that he had planned on giving at least two weeks had turned into a four-day endeavour had decided that he would delay the creation of the sword just so that he could push it into a piece of art. After all, warding and spatial magic were very ill-understood branches of magic, the former since it was a new branch of magic and the latter being a branch that not many were stupid or desperate enough to delve into.
    Harry Potter: Ode To Nothingness
    Derivados de obras · dukeofvirtue
  • Kenzaki32
    respondió a Whadyamean
    The idea had been to ward a jewel to project a certain spatial boundary in the shape of a sword that would contain the super-heated plasma allowing for a sword that could cut through almost anything.
    Harry Potter: Ode To Nothingness
    Derivados de obras · dukeofvirtue
  • Kenzaki32
    Comentado por
    The idea had been to ward a jewel to project a certain spatial boundary in the shape of a sword that would contain the super-heated plasma allowing for a sword that could cut through almost anything.
    Harry Potter: Ode To Nothingness
    Derivados de obras · dukeofvirtue
  • Kenzaki32
    respondió a Whadyamean

    telekinesis ?

    Magical swords, after all, were not prohibited by international law. He smirked internally as he imagined the reaction of wizards when they came across a lightsaber. One that was far more than just a sword.
    Harry Potter: Ode To Nothingness
    Derivados de obras · dukeofvirtue
  • Kenzaki32
    Comentado por
    She gave him a wry look before asking, "Why do you think I recommended it to you? Judas here knows a thing or two about fighting with his wand." Nathan blanched when he realized what kind of meaning she was throwing at the man in the presence of two twelve-year-olds and an eleven-year-old.
    Harry Potter: Ode To Nothingness
    Derivados de obras · dukeofvirtue
  • Kenzaki32
    Comentado por
    I still hope you like the chapter and can drop powerstones so that I can get a bit higher on the power rankings at least better than the badly translated Chinese novels.
    Harry Potter: Ode To Nothingness
    Derivados de obras · dukeofvirtue
  • Kenzaki32
    Comentado por
    A|N: Some of you have asked who is the female main character, it is Fleur Delacour.
    Harry Potter: Ode To Nothingness
    Derivados de obras · dukeofvirtue