Yo👋 Ps, the webnovel app sucks, I only read on the website
de lectura
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Fantastic job. Good soup.
Your math is so bad
Soup hath returned from thy journey, this foul ash is grateful.
Good soup
Good soup
D@ys no l0 g3r ma t3r, t ! me is @n ! //usion a ©0nc pt w3 cRe@t3d t0 3><pl@in to 0 Rsel\/es th@T w!th n0 3><pl@n@tion t0da¥, I h ve h3arD a gr at d3cr3e fr0m the gr3at *CHEF*, h3 has G! ven @ pR0fe©¥ of g0Od so p, H3 h@$ d€cl@reD th@t th3s3 s0 p1es$ l@nd$ w!11 s0 n be r3vi\/ed anD r€tur/\/ t o th€iR 0n©e f[]rm3r gl0r¥!!!!!, p3rh@ps r!skin/\/g m¥ $aniTy th®o|_|gh0ut $t@rvat!On and !$olatio/\/ h@s B3€n wo®tH iT..... Just a little longer.......
Good soup