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lol, i love watching the normies reaction to anything wierd inoske does
Wow i didn't expect to like this much ngl, at first i thought it was just another wish fulfillment crack fanfic but no, it's not, the characters emotions, dialogues, and actions feels real and true to their canon counterpart. But i wonder will this fanfic have a romance? is it a harem? is it a single fml? either way ive already invested my time and attention to this fanfic i gotta see it through the end, good luck author, i hope you keep pumping out chapters of the same quality
that gif looks like venom is humping something
knew it
also has the potential to be extremely hot like our backshots king 👑 kenjaku
Cat: ps. i feel bad for cat lmfao, dude has been through it lol
well to be fair Tsunade said to Cat to use whatever means necessary
If the Jiongu is the one creating the sperm will it be it's child or will it be mc's?
the obvious answer would be Orochimaru, but considering i didn't anticipate author killing off Sakura, maybe it isn't pedomaru, maybe author has some more good plot cooking
i have the higher quality one, you can have it