

2022-02-03 Se unióGlobal

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  • cutekittensmeow
    Publicado por

    I was trying to suspend my disbelief and enjoy this story but come on... In the beginning of chapter 1 the old money millionaire 70 year old grandmother bedazzled her car. I'm not joking, 300,000 glass crystals were put on her car. Rich people don't bedazzle their cars. That's something poor people do with their tax returns. Then the MC decides to give her new fortune to her husband in chapter 5. Her husband who makes her sleep on a cot in a study. Her husband who doesn't like her enough to consummate her marriage for 5 years. Her husband who never stood up for her, not even once (in chapter 4 the husband tells her to go to her room and she says that's the warmest thing he's ever said to her). Her husband who's rich but made her publicly beg for money to care for his own servant. She decides to stay with this man and devote her new fortune and life to him even though he's not done a damn thing for her for all 5 years of their marriage. Maybe she'll bedazzle his car for him next.

    The Heiress Strikes Back
    Ciudad · Mountain Springs
  • cutekittensmeow
    Publicado por

    The author is OBSESSED with female virginity and purity. Like she goes on and on about how awful the she-wolves who have sex before finding their mates. They created a magic system where women lose their power if they have sex. They constantly praise the FL for being the only virgin in the entire werewolf world and talk about how lucky the ML is for having a "pure" mate, even though he's the world's biggest whore. In spite of all that, it was decent until the FL turned super sayian. It's well written at least.

    The Alpha's Bride
    Fantasía · RedSonia
  • cutekittensmeow
    Comentado por

    Tyler isn't a man. He's a little boy holding onto his daddy's apron strings. Also this is why you should never, ever, have a child with an abuser. They will use your child to hurt you and abuse your child. I hate hate hate society's views on safe and effective birth control (abortion) because it's the only thing that protects women from men like Tyler's father.

    Ch 37 Chapter 38
    Rejected My Alpha Mate
    Fantasía · Caroline Above Story
  • cutekittensmeow
    Comentado por

    Having babies with abusive men is the worst thing a mother can do to.

    Ch 19 Chapter 20
    Rejected My Alpha Mate
    Fantasía · Caroline Above Story
  • cutekittensmeow
    Comentado por

    Ooohhh good! I was worried at first but this is the "wife chasing crematorium" trope. I'm so down.

    Ch 7 Chapter 7
    Rejected My Alpha Mate
    Fantasía · Caroline Above Story
  • cutekittensmeow
    Publicado por

    The writing quality is at a middle school level, at best. It's very hard to read because of the low quality writing and frequent rambling descriptions that have nothing to do with the story. (Do we need a multi-paragraph description of Hawaii when the story doesn't take place in Hawaii?) The characters are never described and the ethnicity of their names is seemly random so you can't even be sure how to picture them. It's impossible to get a feel for the world because nothing in this story makes sense. In this world apparently kidnapping, rape, and attempted murder are legal and widely accepted as normal. Also there are no police, because there's no crime when everything is legal. If you want to read this story you need to accept that every single person in this world actively approves of kidnapping, rape, and every other crime. There are no missing people or investigations into doctors suddenly vanishing because crime is so normal that people just disappear all the time. NOTE: The lawlessness I describe above isn't actually established by the author, they'd never do world building to that extent. That's just how everyone acts. No one cares when multiple very blatant crimes happen, even when they happen on video. People just act like it's normal and accepted, crimes like stabbings are treated the way that we treat being late to lunch.

    You Are My Omega
    LGBT+ · Jenna_Marie_Sabino
  • cutekittensmeow
    Comentado por

    I'm so confused. Ethan is a doctor, why isn't he doing anything to prevent pregnancy? Do the police not exist in this world? Even if his family hates him, if he gets pregnant, it's still his baby and it's not that easy to take a baby away from someone who's competent.

    Ch 37 Chapter 37
    You Are My Omega
    LGBT+ · Jenna_Marie_Sabino
  • cutekittensmeow
    Publicado por

    The writing is pretty good. The story is a mess. The MC starts off capable and independent, but the second they meet the ML they get dumber and dumber. The MC, a crossdressing man, tries to fake a royal pregnancy. A 10 year old would know that lie is going to fall apart immediately. The MC also becomes little more than a punching bag for the ML, becoming the end stages of an abusive relationship the first time the ML hurts them. It's hard to explain.

    The Beauty And The Beast
    LGBT+ · precious_pruddy
  • cutekittensmeow
    Comentado por

    Did the MC get a traumatic brain injury that I missed? Why's he getting dumber every chapter?

    Ch 19 I'm pregnant
    The Beauty And The Beast
    LGBT+ · precious_pruddy
  • cutekittensmeow
    Comentado por

    The MC is pretty cool so far.

    Ch 3 Only human
    The Beauty And The Beast
    LGBT+ · precious_pruddy
  • cutekittensmeow
    Publicado por

    Well written, much much higher quality than the cover would make you think. My only complaint is that there should have been more dog content. More focus on belly rubs and scritches.

    Surviving the apocalypse as a werewolf! BL/Yaoi
    LGBT+ · VCris
  • cutekittensmeow
    Comentado por

    Dead people don't care about what people think of them.

    Ch 250 The Fox can't defend himself
    [BL] Wolf King and his Fox Consort
    LGBT+ · ThirtyTyrants
  • cutekittensmeow
    Publicado por

    Well written, great pacing. The characters are likable and mostly believable. I wish the omega wasn't constantly damseled. He was supposed to be competent and capable, but was just a helpless little nothing incapable of doing anything for most of the story.

    To Tame an Omega
    LGBT+ · Lisa Gray
  • cutekittensmeow
    Publicado por

    27 chapters in and there's been no world building and the mythology isn't established. What's the difference between lycans, werewolves, and hounds? How large are the kingdoms? What level of technology is in the world? What kind of magic exists? How long do characters live? What do they look like? What's the climate like? The characters aren't established. We're told their names and almost nothing else. How old are they? How are they related? How do they feel about each other? What are their motivations? WHAT ARE THE CHARACTER'S MOTIVATIONS? But hey, there's suddenly a romance between two people we know absolutely nothing about. I can't. There's also spelling errors throughout. Characters are described as "clam" and "storage".

    Alanor, The Lycan King's Prisoner [BL]
    LGBT+ · she_osprey
  • cutekittensmeow
    Comentado por

    Why is there suddenly the dumbest romance I've ever seen? We don't even know the difference between lycans, werewolves, and hounds at this point. No world building or mythology has been established. We don't even know who these characters are. Why am I supposed to care about their romance? This is just bad writing.

    Ch 29 The Werewolf Warrior [2]
    Alanor, The Lycan King's Prisoner [BL]
    LGBT+ · she_osprey
  • cutekittensmeow
    Comentado por

    The pacing is so ssssssssssssllllllloooooooooowwwww. I feel like I should know more about the world and the plot by chapter 25. I feel like I'm still reading a prologue. Who are these people? What's happening in the world? Why do I know absolutely nothing about the mythology and setting after 25 chapters?

    Ch 26 He Started It
    Alanor, The Lycan King's Prisoner [BL]
    LGBT+ · she_osprey
  • cutekittensmeow
    Comentado por

    I'm getting pre-second-hand embarrassment because I know he's already made some sort of faux pas. Why won't he just ask someone! lol

    Ch 18 Date or What
    Cunning General Si Ning
    LGBT+ · RainhaAsha
  • cutekittensmeow
    respondió a AuthorWissal

    Because being that obsessed with someone is incredibly unhealthy. Even in a world with fated mates if you invest yourself so heavily into someone else you will lose yourself, making yourself a less valuable partner. A good partner isn't someone who's obsessed with you, a good partner is someone capable of being your equal and supporting you. The MCs obsession makes him less than and opens him to abuse, which the description states will eventually happen. He's also a child so this sort of behavior will have long term effects on his development. Obviously he needs therapy and his family is neglectful for not getting him the healthcare he needs to develop into a balanced, healthy adult. It doesn't fit into the story so I understand why it's not happening in this fiction but that doesn't make it any less true.

    Ch 8 The Fight In The Woods
    The Obsession Of The Wolf {BL}
    LGBT+ · AuthorWissal
  • cutekittensmeow
    Comentado por

    Dude just attacked and almost killed the man's boyfriend in front of him and then says he's never done anything wrong in his life? Maybe if you want to have a relationship with someone you should start by saying "Hello" instead of assault and attempted murder. Alex did nothing wrong, I wouldn't want to be with a violent psychopath who uses violence to get their way either.

    Ch 11 My Mate Rejected Me
    The Obsession Of The Wolf {BL}
    LGBT+ · AuthorWissal
  • cutekittensmeow
    Comentado por

    This boy needs therapy.

    Ch 8 The Fight In The Woods
    The Obsession Of The Wolf {BL}
    LGBT+ · AuthorWissal