

2022-02-02 Se unióBrazil

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  • breke_Henrique
    breke_Henrique7 months ago
    respondió a breke_Henrique

    They would only weigh heavily on the MC to try to save them, as long as they are girls at least and more interestingly, I think it would be better to erase their memories and let them live their lives normally.

  • breke_Henrique
    breke_Henrique7 months ago
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    Hopefully the protagonist's friends don't matter to the story, they seem boring, and we don't want to see the development of men in a DXD fic.

  • breke_Henrique
    breke_Henrique7 months ago
    respondió a breke_Henrique

    but I liked that he doesn't have a mission or level, and all his attributes were obtained by training and not through system points or a store that gets items out of nowhere.

  • breke_Henrique
    breke_Henrique7 months ago
    respondió a BeixuanLovell

    I don't really like the system with HP because it seems like the MC's life has become a game, it doesn't matter if he loses an arm it grows back as soon as his HP returns or if he takes a hit from a strong opponent who grazed him takes about 100 damage

  • breke_Henrique
    breke_Henrique7 months ago
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    I found the protagonist's personality very pleasant, he is smart and developing, he makes mistakes and learns from them, something I didn't like was the evaluation magic, it was not given by the system to reveal so much information, and I think it should Take away the HP system, this doesn't work in real life unless he gets stabbed in the head he can have 100000 HP and he dies instantly. (there may be some errors because it was on Google Translate)

  • breke_Henrique
    breke_Henrique9 months ago
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  • breke_Henrique
    breke_Henriquea year ago
    respondió a RaccoonLeague

    eu acho que 100 metros e muito grande, sendo que o poder deles e fogo e vento não tem sentido eles serem tão gigantes, atrapalha mais que ajuda eles viram alvos facil de acerta, mais ser a especialidades deles force ser grande para da mas forçar nos golpes corpo a corpo ai era outra historia, nem o kaido e tão grande tem que ser propocional o tamalho criaturas em forma humanoide tem que ser pequenas

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  • breke_Henrique
    breke_Henriquea year ago
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    eles tão muito grande, vendo eles nas imagens eles parecem ter entre uns 15 a 20 metros, aqui tem um monumento de 20 metros comparada a humanos

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  • breke_Henrique
    breke_Henriquea year ago
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    acho que 100 metros e muito grande, acharia melho 15 metros, não fica legal um humanoide tão grande. yamato mesmo tem uma forma pequena mesmo sendo uma zoam mistica, não faz sentido ser tão grande, restringe movimento e vira um alvo muito grande

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