



2022-01-10 Se unióGlobal



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  • ODonn
    respondió a Kevin_Harper_1476

    Apparently human flesh tastes like pork according to Polynesian tribes. When asked they called it "long pig" to describe eating humans. Besides that, can't say I've ever smelled or tasted cooked human flesh so your guess is as good as mine lol.

    After a few minutes of marching, Jeren's warning rang true as the smell of rot and burnt pork seeped through the thin handkerchief into Arthur's nostrils. It was a sickening scent, only made worse by knowing of its macabre source. Thankfully, he didn't have to endure the stench for long as the sight of Rothwel's inner castle walls filled his vision.
    The Dreamer's Fall
    Fantasía · ODonn
  • ODonn
    respondió a Kevin_Harper_1476

    It means "without". So the sentence is basically saying everything was taken except the conference table and chairs.

    Once inside the castle, Arthur and the other lords were escorted to a large hall stripped bare sans the long conference table and chairs occupying it.
    The Dreamer's Fall
    Fantasía · ODonn
  • ODonn
    respondió a Kevin_Harper_1476

    He appears like a normal human but a bit transparent. thanks for reading!

    The half-naked man was Kyren Drent, a ninth circle mage from Ollerin's main rival to the east, The Dominion of Sparnia. He had been killed nearly eleven years ago from poison, but he existed on Nithe as a spirit instead of passing on like Arthur. Kyren was unsure how he ended up that way and wandered about the world's libraries, trying to find out the reason for his predicament. 
    The Dreamer's Fall
    Fantasía · ODonn
  • ODonn
    respondió a Daoist0ccPtW

    Pursuing immortality and ruling a kingdom/fief aren't mutually exclusive. I don't want to spoil too much, but kingdom building is a significant point of the novel and will continuously grow in scope as the series progresses.

    The Dreamer's Fall
    Fantasía · ODonn
  • ODonn
    respondió a

    Short answer: Probably, but not necessarily your generic love-at-first-sight harem due to Arthur's personality. Longer answer: Arthur's story encompasses a very long time period, and he won't have the benefit of sitting in a cultivation chamber for a thousand years to pass the time. So while I have the significant events that shape the plot mapped out, I don't know how his individual interactions with side characters will play out until I get to them. Currently, I only have one love interest in mind which won't be introduced until much later in the story. However, I'm not opposed to having multiple love interests outside of the political marriages that Arthur will engage in to further his goals. So if that worries you, then proceed with caution.

    The Dreamer's Fall
    Fantasía · ODonn
  • ODonn
    respondió a SupXro_Xro

    Sorry, didn't see this. For some reason, it only shows a notification on the reader-side of the site and not the writer-side. To answer your question, no, at least for now. Arthur is driven primarily by his goal of immortality and has no time to seek out genuine connections with others, romantic or otherwise. As he currently is, it is very much within his personality to marry purely for the benefits it would grant him in furthering said goal rather than caring about things like love. Having said that, things may change in the future, so I can't say for sure how much I'll delve into romance.

    The Dreamer's Fall
    Fantasía · ODonn
  • ODonn
    respondió a Sweatysausage

    The story skips until the day before the march at chapter 38, then one more little event before leaving.

    Ch 36 Chapter 36 - The Federation of Mutumn
    The Dreamer's Fall
    Fantasía · ODonn
  • ODonn
    respondió a Sweatysausage

    Thanks for reading!

    Ch 29 Chapter 29 - Introspection
    The Dreamer's Fall
    Fantasía · ODonn
  • ODonn
    respondió a lord_of_all_realm_

    It's because Fenric had already seen that Arthur isn't a helpless child considering he dispatched three Agelians without a scratch. Fenric also showed the intention to fight even after Mara and Alan were freed. If Arthur fled now, it's unknown to him how Fenric would react, and since Fenric intended to fight, it tells him that the man felt confident about winning. Arthur believes that as long as he can survive this encounter, he can talk Fenric and his mercenary group into serving him in the future and bettering his chances of survival during the upcoming war and ruling in Helagaust.

    Ch 19 Chapter 19 - Minaan's Kin
    The Dreamer's Fall
    Fantasía · ODonn
  • ODonn
    Publicado por

    I'm gonna do a little shameless self-review as it seems that all the cool kids are doing it. If reincarnation, necromancy, demonic cults, kingdom building, complex magic systems, magic-based interstellar travel, fallen galactic empires, vampiric space elves, ageless primordial beings, time travel, and being's that live outside the universal veil who meddle in mortal affairs interest you then stay tuned because that's just a taste of what I've got planned!

    The Dreamer's Fall
    Fantasía · ODonn