

2021-12-22 Se unióUnited Kingdom

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  • HeartofBraum
    HeartofBraum15 days ago
    respondió a HeartofBraum

    *They might have been scouting outside of their realm because of Artoria using Excalibur instead of because Avalon. All I remember is that it had something to do with one of Artoria’s Phantasms

  • HeartofBraum
    HeartofBraum15 days ago
    respondió a Liioo

    If you consider the current chapter 497: Chapter 431 and 438. If you consider the current chapter 551: Chapter 475 and 482

  • HeartofBraum
    HeartofBraum15 days ago
    respondió a Uchiha_Sage

    If I am not mistaken, the Fae first exited their realm in search for Avalon after Will brought it to the DxD world, because a ‘new’ connection to their realm didn’t go unnoticed. Then one of the Fae royalty got captured in Japan during their scouting attempts. In response to the capturing of Fae royalty, they attacked the Youkai faction in a ‘rescue operation’. The Fae purposefully went out of their way to kill as many as they could in said operation which now leads to the Youkai attacking in retaliation.

  • HeartofBraum
    HeartofBraum3 months ago
    respondió a Jackleell

    I think the point is that Robert likes fighting and for him to actually have a fight he must be able to be beaten. He is essentially an adrenaline junkie, for him to get his ‘fix’ there has to be a chance, however small for him to actually lose. With this set up if he ever got lazy and lost his motivation, like the original Robert did, he would lose his battles. If he went full Mark Grayson, he would be bored out of his mind.

  • HeartofBraum
    HeartofBraum8 months ago
    respondió a sailor_savvy

    Also near the beginning of the series (like pre-100 chapters) it was mentioned by Granpa Zel that whenever Will takes an item of considerable power from a world he is taking away potential from that world, not paying that debt would eventually lead to consequences. His granting of Aura to Issei, giving it a chance to spread further in this world is paying back that stolen potential.

  • HeartofBraum
    HeartofBraum9 months ago
    respondió a sliver_203

    I believe Will’s appearance made it so the engagement was never pushed forward in time like in canon as there were no serious events occurring then but here, with a new powerhouse of devil ancestry appearing, Khaos Brigade attacking Kyoto earlier (due to Will’s interference), the the attack of the Fae, then the kidnapping of Velena and Milicas happing, all this happening before Kokabiel attack and the Peace conference meant Rias’s engagement was just never pushed forward

  • HeartofBraum
    HeartofBrauma year ago
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    Thanks for the Chapter!

  • HeartofBraum
    HeartofBrauma year ago
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    Hey Author, I love the story but I wanted to give a personal criticism (therefore feel free to ignore it if it isn’t helpful). I feel like in general Harry is lacking on how creatively he uses his Archmage powers, for example I don’t mind the concept of the martial art technique but it feels like Harry should have other options regarding body enhancement if he just put some thought into it. Or, even just being able to cheat through the martial art technique, he seems to be following step by step like a ‘normal’ person which just seems inefficient with his power.

  • HeartofBraum
    HeartofBrauma year ago
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    I believe there are 2 reasons for the comments. Firstly lack of visible progress. Pre-timeskip Adam would likely be able to beat Jose, not as cleanly as he did after but the only things you mentioned that people have any context towards in the timeskip were Adam getting injured in training a technique or by a god, it is difficult to really feel like he has improved when the only real mention of his true strength, his Bankai is yet another technique that will kill him for more power without outside interference, that sounds exactly the same as what happened in his fight with Artemis. This leads to the second problem, if it feels like he barely gained anything from the timeskip it ends up feeling like he just left to preserve the plot. And now after the timeskip where he should finally be strong enough to handle some of the consequences of changing the plot, he doesn’t. Adam is a very well written character, with good character flaws and strengths but if he has close to zero impact on the world does he really matter? Is Erza even that much stronger than canon after training with him, Cana has a full family structure in this, never had to deal with losing her mother, has a dad and brother in the picture and the only thing that changes is her clothes. Ur, Grey’s teacher, an extremely powerful mage alive and is in the guild but ends up doing a whole load of nothing. Lilia an OC to be a friend of Adam and introduced to be his companion similar to the Thunder God tribe has quite literally no feats to her name. To the reader it is frustratingly annoying to read a 100 chapters which amount to only a couple of changes and cameos from a couple of future enemies showing how far he needs to go and then after a massive timeskip having Adam be put in a bad situation by an opponent weaker than he faced pre-timeskip, In any case I do really like the story but it has been slightly frustrating after the timeskip at least imo.

  • HeartofBraum
    HeartofBrauma year ago
    respondió a Zero_619

    I always feel that would be the case even if the name was correct. Like the idea you can be forced into a contract with zero consent is weird in itself. It could be so easily abused, imagine every year there wasn’t an official tournament you put people’s names in it and they wouldn’t even be aware of it and lose their magic.